It’s so easy to be jealous of others, isn’t it?
We want to be their friend. We wish our jeans fit like hers do. We think her husband is a better catch. We compare our kids struggles to her kids victories. We long to be a part of that group. We wish for her financial freedom.
Yuckity, Yuck. Yuck.
Sometimes us girls can be so… fleshy. Yes?
But jealousy can get even trickier.
Not only are we jealous of what they have now, but that feeling can get more intense when they:
- buy a newer, bigger, fancier home
- succeed on a diet
- get invited to do more things than we do
- have a husband who is more verbally affirming
- take exciting vacations
In fact, I’d like to suggest we actually find guilty pleasure in watching those who we perceive to have it all… struggle or even fail.
It might look like this:
When you learn her “perfect” marriage is ending in divorce… your response is, “Well, she can’t have it all!“
When her “golden” child makes a bad choice, you snicker because it tarnishes her family’s reputation.
When you see she’s put back on those 20 pounds, you smile inside because she failed.
Lord Jesus come get us now!
Girls… that is stinkin’ thinkin’ any way you slice it. And it also goes against what God wants for us.
Galatians 5:25-26 says, “Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.”
This verse tells us to count the blessings we have rather than be jealous of the blessings others have.
We’re simply not equipped to handle their blessings… or the struggles that come with them.
True story.
And I realize that when I long for what someone else has… at the very core… it’s because I’m trying to fill an empty space in… me.
I want something to make me feel better about… me.
But you know what? The opposite happens.
When jealously rears its ugly head, I feel such discontentment with my life and can obsess about what I don’t have. I feel disconnected from God. I find myself discouraged and depressed.
… Dude, that’s a lot of “D’s.”
Anyone with me here?
Come on… Don’t leave a sister hangin’.
Anyhoo… since we both struggle from time to time with jealously…
… what if we decided to shift our perspective from what we don’t have to what we do?
… what if we chose to celebrate others, and be genuinely happy for how God is working and blessing their life?
… what if – when life throws someone a curve ball – we decided to reach out in love?
Wouldn’t that be a game-changer?
But sisters, when we instead chose jealousy… it’s a red flag that our sinful nature is in the driver’s seat. When we grin at their defeat, when we smirk at their shortcomings, when we root for their demise… we are responding in direct opposition of what God asks of us.
We are disobeying Him, because He wants us to love.
Jealousy is a nasty condition of our heart.
So how do we clean it out?
- Confess it. Every time it rears its ugly head, confess it.
- Pray for those who you envy. Ask God to continue to richly bless them. (Warning: this is super-dooper hard)
- Remember the person whose demise you celebrate is greatly loved by God… enough so that His Son died for them.
- Ask God to show you the root issue behind your jealousy. Then ask Him to heal it.
- When something good happens to that person, acknowledge it. Send a note or an email, call them or text them, etc.
Most importantly, spend time in prayer thanking God for all He has done… for you.
You’ll find yourself more blessed than you imagined.
©2013 Carey Scott
For a limited time, my devotional book – Raising Godly Kids – is only $.99 on Kindle. Get it here!
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Thank you for “real” steps to combat jealousy. This really is the way we “put on the mind of Christ.” This is how we can transform our mind, thoughts, and heart attitudes. It is a choice, it is hard, but we know it is worth it. Thank you for these tools in the tool belt.
Jeanelle… thanks for pointing out that what we’re doing is “putting on the mind of Christ.” You are so right. It’s our only hope to find contentment and love others! 🙂
Wow. This totally hit me in the face this morning, girl. This one quote, “We’re simply not equipped to handle their blessings… or the struggles that come with them.”, made me literally pause and reconsider some things in my life. Thanks for the reminder!
Laura… Oh how I love when God smacks us across the face with a good word! LOL. Been the recipient many times, girl. Thanks for the comment! Love you!
Wow! I am such a jealous person and I don’t want to be!!! I have been diligent at saying a prayer whenever I catch myself being jealous of something, anything, fill in the blank. If I don’t catch myself immediately, but a while after, I ask God to forgive me and pray for the person or the situation then. I just wish jealousy didn’t exist at all. 🙂
Angie… it sounds like you are taking control of this very common struggle. Keep persisting. God will most definitely honor it! Thanks for sharing and being vulnerable. I totally dig that, girl!
Thanks Carey for your comment! I have found that the more I am honest with people, the more honest they are with me and we both benefit. When we try to cover up stuff with yummy fluffy frosting and make it look all pretty the “it” just be comes worse! So, I’m an honest girl trying to get honesty back which most of the time I do. 🙂
Angie…. honesty rocks my world. And I couldn’t agree with you more. I glad to know YOU!
I’m glad I found your blog & I’m nspired by it and I’m glad to know you too!
This is so good Carey. Sometimes I need some adjusting in the Stinkin Thinkin area of my life. Thank you
Susie… I so get that, girl. It’s easy to lose our focus sometimes. I’m glad you stopped by today!