Guest Post by my good friend Julie Thomas, Women’s Network Director @ Foothills Community Church (Arvada, Colorado)
What do you say a lot?
Or maybe a better question is… what do your kids hear you say a lot?
My kids were in VBS last week, which was great – once they got there. The frenzy to get the four of them ready, fed, dressed, and out the door with some decent smelling breath is, well, often a fiasco. Here are some phrases I recently realized I say… a lot:
- “Hurry!”
- “Let’s go!”
- “C’mon, let’s get around!”
- “Well, where is it then?”
- “Hustle around!
Eeesh. And they are not said in a “Mary Poppins” manner with a spoonful of sugar. They sound more like Fred Flintstone – “Wilma! Stop this crazy thing!”
After realizing how I must sound to my kids, I figured I could go a couple different routes.
- I could map out a plan to get more organized.
- Better yet I could get my kids more organized!
But that’s not at all where God took my heart this morning. Instead, He showed me two beautiful verses in Psalms 19:
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (14th verse)
And then…
“The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” (8th verse)
Here’s what I realized in a fresh way:
- The attitude in my words matter. There are days and circumstances that can justifiably get me good and grumpy, both inside and out. But let’ be honest. Justifying my foul mood puts my heart at odds with God’s Word. As I read verse 14 this morning, I heard the Lord remind me to let the words of my mouth and my thoughts be pleasing to Him.
- It is possible to have joy in my heart and light in my eyes! What is my countenance? What are my kids learning in my actions and responses? My kids may not move faster. I may not ever (probably never) get organized enough. My circumstances may not change. But verse 8 says His Word is radiant and right, and has the divine ability to give JOY to my heart and LIGHT to my eyes.
Here’s the bottom line question I have to answer:
Do I believe it?
- Do I believe that the words of my mouth and the things I think about matter to God?
- Do I believe that His Word will produce joy? And bring light to my eyes?
Anyone else need more joy and light in their eyes? Yes?
Psalm 21:6 says that “He will make me joyful with gladness in His presence.” Does God’s presence make us joyful? Are our lives marked with joy? Is there light in our eyes?
Sisters, we serve a great and mighty God! We, of all people, have every reason to be joyful with gladness.
May we be known today as believers who are marked by joy!
© 2011 Julie Thomas
Looking for an online study for the summer? Check out “Summer in the Psalms” by clicking here.
Julie and Carey – I have been praying that Joy would return to me this year! I found myself being really good at “sober-minded” living but didn’t feel that Joy reigned. God has brought so much to me to teach and encourage, such as your blog post today. Phillipians is also full of lessons on Joy, especially through the eyes and experience of Paul. Our Joy truly comes from knowing we are IN HIM. That our names are written in Heaven. And that my friends, trumps the procrastinating turtles we call children 🙂
I have recently been blogging on my home makeover realizing that joy in my home will come out of peace… so I am pursuing peace on a unique journey God put together for me.
Thanks for the insight, encouragement, and wisdom today!!
Loved this! Thanks Carey! What a great reminder for me to check in with exactly WHO MY LITTLE AUDIENCE IS!? They watch, listen, see, and hear most everything I mess up. And then imitate it right back to me! My little mirrors. God help me be more like YOU, LORD! Blessings on your day friend! Love & miss you!
Little mirrors… what a great way to think about out kids. So true! Thanks, Conni!