Life is big right now.
These past two years have produced some gray hair, dark circles under my eyes, premature wrinkles, and some calloused knees from prayer.
There are many times I just want to crawl into God’s lap and cry. I want him to say those comforting words I used to hear from my Grandmother… “Ah, honey.”
When I feel so small compared to my struggles, what I really want is for God to give me His complete attention and reassure me of His goodness, provision and love.
I want to know without a doubt that no matter what I said or did… no matter how much snot was running out my nose or mascara was running down my face… no matter if my words made sense or not… He would love me unconditionally.
It’s times like these that I want God all to myself.
What if I told you that was possible?
I know how you can have that level of intimacy with the Creator of the Universe… and I’ll share with you what you need to do to meet one-on-one with Him.
Ready? Ok… Cry out to Him.
Psalm 18:6 explains it best “A hostile world! I call to God, I cry to God to help me. From his palace he hears my call; my cry brings me right into his presence— a private audience!” (MSG)
When you are clawing and scraping to crawl out of that pit of despair and pain and you cry out to your Heavenly Father… HE HEARS YOU.
The great I AM hears you!
- The same God who walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
- The same God who parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River
- The same God who gave Noah building plans for the boat
- The same God who manifested as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night to lead the Israelites from Egypt
- The same God that Daniel prayed to in the lion’s den
- The same God who called Jonah to speak His word in Nineveh
Yes… that SAME God hears your cry. From Heaven, He hears you.
And when He hears one of His children crying out to Him in distress, He stops what He’s doing and brings you into His presence.
A private audience.
Have you felt that before? Maybe it was a calmness that came over you or a peace in the midst of it. Maybe oddly, you felt heard for once. Possibly you were able to take in a deep breath as the oppression was lifted.
That was God.
The scheme of the Enemy is to shut you up when you feel sad. He wants to cut-off your communication with the One who can heal your heart. He’ll tell you things like:
- God’s too busy to deal with this petty issue.
- God must be mad at you because He made this happen. Why would you want to talk to Him about it?
- God’s not into “high maintenance” children.
- God’s tired of hearing about this issue! Buck up and handle it yourself!
Those are lies from the pit of Hell. Don’t buy into them. Refrain from entertaining any part of them.
Scripture tells us that when we cry out… (1) He hears, and (2) He immediately meets us.
I love that… I need that.
Friends, when you are struggling to stand in the storms of life… call on your Father.
- He will never grow tired of you.
- He will never leave nor forsake you.
- He created you to be in relationship with Him.
- He can give you peace that no one else can offer.
- He never has to “get back” to you and you’ll never have to “leave a message at the beep.”
Cry out to God, sisters, because in the end… He’s all we’ve got.
Better yet… He’s all we need.
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Yes and amen. Such beautiful, comforting truth.
Thanks, Het! Cannot wait to see you!