Did you know that YOU are a light in this world that can sometimes be so… dark?
Yes, you!
In Matthew 5:14, Jesus says… “You are the light of the world.”
That statement shouldn’t pile a bunch of work on you.
It’s not designed to put a huge weight on your shoulders.
This call to shine isn’t unattainable.
You see, simply because of Christ in you… you are a light.
And when you live your faith out loud by showing others the love of Jesus, you shine like a city on a hill whose light pierces the darkness.
So often, however, our ability to shine becomes compromised.
- We’re afraid to speak the truth… so we don’t.
- We go along with the pack because we don’t want to feel left out.
- We tolerate a certain amount of sin, justifying that it’s not “that bad.”
- We are quick to let others know they aren’t doing it right.
- We ignore the needs of others because it’s just not convenient.
- We feel safer to reveal our faith during the holidays… when everyone else does.
- We’re strong Christians only when in front of certain people.
Friends, that grieves the heart of Jesus!
Why? Because He wants us to shine so bright that others can’t help but see Him because of it. We do that when…
we’re strong for the weak,
we love the unlovable,
we forgive the unforgivable,
we help those who can’t help themselves.
How are you doing with that?
Think about it. Are you being a light that glows with the love of Jesus… OR … are you being a:
~ Motion Detector Light ~
You are dark until someone important or “Godly” walks by you, and then you pop on… come alive. You may be off for days, weeks, or months, but when you need to “impress”… you are all of a sudden a certified Jesus-freak.
~ Night Light ~
While you do shine, you offer little light. You tend to shy away from sharing your testimony because you feel it’s just easier to blend in rather than stand out. You might offer a little light here and there, but nothing too bold.
~ Fluorescent Light ~
Maybe you have a tendency to be harsh in your faith. Others might avoid you because you’re too legalistic with rules and regulations. You’re intolerant. You find that people just want to turn you to the “off” position.
~ Spot Light ~
You tend to be judgmental of others and believe you have all the answers to life’s problems. Rather than looking at the whole person, you’re quick to illuminate certain “issues” that (in your opinion) need to be fixed.
~ Seasonal Light ~
Maybe no one would even know you’re a Christ-follower until the holidays when you break out the nativity scene centerpiece. During that time, you’re on fire for Jesus and bold in showing it. But once the season has passed, you’re unplugged until next year.
To be honest, I’ve been every one of these lights at one time or another in my life. You, too?
The truth is that it takes awareness and intentionality to be the kind of light that points to Him.
YOU are called to be that kind of light.
Take that calling very seriously. Guard against the tendency to compromise your ability to shine.
If we don’t glow with grace and point others to God… who will?
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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I love that we are to reflect the light – the glory of the Lord. As we spend time with Him His glory will be so saturated in us that we just radiate Him. Trying harder will not make us a bright as the morning star only time with our precious Savior can!
The more of Him we seek… the more of Him we seep. Amen, Jeanelle!
Carey – I LOVE this! Wow – how insightful and creative!
Thanks, Merit! Appreciate you stopping by today!
Brilliant! that was my first thought. Then I thought, hey it’s another type of light. Thanks for illuminating this so brilliantly friend.
That’s a great one, Sarah! Thank you for stopping by today!