Do not say, “I’ll get even with you!” Wait for the LORD, and he will save you. (Proverbs 20:22)
Seriously? This must be a misprint.
Because if I understand it right, we are being instructed to let God handle it when we’ve been wronged. We are told to not be revengeful but rather… let Him hand out the judgements.
This may be an easy verse to recite until that moment hits, and you’re the one wronged.
Then, it takes on a whole new meaning.
It takes on a whole new degree of difficulty.
It brings a whole new level of frustration.
I’m facing this dilemma right now. This is so fresh for me… and I’m honestly a little annoyed that God pointed it out to me today.
But He needed me to hear this.
Truth be told, I needed me to hear this, too.
What God is telling me through this scripture is to…
- Trust Him to clarify the truth
- Trust Him to right the wrong
- Trust Him to deal with the guilty
And most importantly… to wait for Him to do it.
That’s where it gets really hard for me. See I am a woman of action. I am a quick decision-maker. I tend to enjoy the driver’s seat a little too much sometimes.
And while it may not be a very pretty or grace-filled process, I am very capable of defending and protecting myself.
Sisters… left to my own devices, I can just be downright nasty.
Pretty fleshy, eh?
But, God must have known how hard this would be for us because He quickly follows those hard-to-accept instructions… with a promise.
The promise to save us.
Where are you needing to trust God’s ability to intervene?
Has your child been given a hurtful label, and you want their name restored?
Has your reputation been unfairly damaged, and you want that rectified?
Does your husband refuse to own his part in arguments, and you want justice?
Has your friend betrayed you, and you want to dish it right back?
Sisters, God sees your circumstance.
He sees your situation.
And… He promises to handle it.
Will you let Him?
REALITY CHECK: Trust that God will right the wrong… in His timing… and in His way.
In the trenches of motherhood and looking for inspiration?
Find my Raising Godly Kids devotional book here.
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Thank you for this reminder – I have noticed an anger against a kid for hurting my child. I want to teach my son how to react or treat the other kid and yet your devotion today reminded me that God is to handle it, not me, or my child (he is not bothered like I am!) Wasn’t even aware of what I was doing!! Lord open my eyes to my attitudes of revenge!!! Thank you!!!
Jeanelle… I do think there is a time where we DO ACT on behalf of our kids. Like when my child was being bullied, I had to step in and intervene. We need to teach them coping skills, too, because we don’t want them to be doormats. Boundaries, right? But we are not to be the judge and jury. That’s God’s role. But, there is righteous anger. “Don’t mess with my kid!” That’s our mommy-heart speaking. Ugh… such a fine line with our kids. Teaching them to respond appropriately trumps reacting inappropriately every time. I know your intentionality in parenting, girl. Your family is lucky to have you. Love you!
Bullies and our kids reminds me a bit of a discussion I once had with non-believers about Christian forgiveness vs. the death penalty. God repeatedly points out that He uses human institutions to wreak His vengence. It’s easier when you’re a govenment and a little more complicated with our kids. But I’d sure better take “vengence” in my hands when it’s my own kids vs. each other! However, I have to deal with my own feelings in all that so the “righteousness” of my anger has a chance!!
Great post. I’ve often found this concept very comforting when there was something I was helpless to deal with or I was tempted with bitterness.
I find it comforting, too. So often, I’ve had to step back from defending myself and choose to let God defend my name. Such a hard decision, but the only one that truly made sense.