I wish that God’s endorsement was the only approval I craved.
Sheesh… it would make my life so much easier.
But I have a confession.
Too often, I care about what others think… more. And that kind of thinking is a demonic trap that sets me up for failure, because I try to hit a moving target.
What a lose-lose situation.
While I know my Creator loves me – and accepts me – without conditions, there are times I still long for… “more.”
And that “more” feeds my appetite for the world’s adoration… which is full of conditions.
Requirements I cannot possibly meet.
Neither can you.
Just the other day, a friend and I were discussing why this is such a difficult issue for so many of us.
We love Him passionately.
We seek Him daily.
We crave more of Him.
So, why do we still look to the world for our self-esteem?
Because it offers us tangible, immediate, trackable results.
- People want to be our friends, so we feel loved.
- People complement our cooking, so we feel talented.
- People are envious of our toys, so we feel important.
- People appreciate our advice, so we feel necessary.
- People admire our talents, so we feel elevated.
We’re missing it.
Sisters… our sense of value should be firmly rooted in the unchanging approval of the Most High God.
Nothing else…
… But walking out this concept is new territory.
I’m coming out of a long season where God and I did some tough work with regard to this very topic.
He used difficult people and challenging circumstances to help me see Him clearer. I faced painful rejection. I surrendered “old” habits. My resolve to be more like Jesus strengthened.
I decided I didn’t want to “fit in” to this world.
And through it all… I’ve learned that my significance is only safe when rooted in Him… alone.
Honestly, the process has been both painful and freeing at the same time.
You know what else? I’ve learned that when I seek God’s affirmation rather than the world’s…
- My other relationships are strengthened.
- I’m not as much of a drama-mamma.
- I am more content with who I am, and what I have.
- I have more confidence all the way around.
- I don’t really care what the world thinks.
Paul shares this concept in his letter to the Christians in Galatia who were looking to please others rather than God.
“Am I saying this now to win the approval of people or God? Am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.” (Galatians 1:10 GWT)
This struggle isn’t a new issue.
I wonder…
Are you exhausted from trying to please a world that is never satisfied?
Do you have an unhealthy craving to hear what others think of you?
Have you placed your sense of value in something or someone other than God?
Maybe it’s time for a change.
What if we took our eyes off ourselves… and focused solely on God?
What if we stopped asking the world their opinion… and asked God instead?
What if we accepted we’re different (not better) than the world… and chose to be content.
What if we quit trying to fit in?
I like it.
So friends… what will it be?
Are you going to live your life always striving for the world’s acceptance?
– OR –
Will you rest in God’s approval of who you are now… stumbles, fumbles and all?
You see, we get to choose.
So… choose.
REALITY CHECK: The world’s approval is shallow and short-lived. But God’s approval runs deep and last for eternity.
© 2012 careyscotttalks.com
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Morning from Maine Carey! It’s so good to be getting to know you! Amen, and amen sister… our daily trust surrender! He is all, and I am not. Thank you! ~ Blessings out, Amy 🙂
Hi Amy! Glad to have you along for the ride, sister! “Surrender” has been a theme in my life lately. Coffee has helped. 🙂
Ouch!! Right to the core God is speaking to me! I have been struggling with this so much I hurt! We moved 3000 miles away from home a few months ago. Left friends, a community that felt like home, a church family we loved…..to nothing! Struggling to find a place to fit in has really taken it’s toll not only on me but my daughter. Trying to be a positive example to help her has not gone so great! We have moved near family that has never spent any time with me but since it’s a small (and I mean small!!) town, where everyone knows everyone, and finding your mother in law spoke not so kindly of you to them…..I feel alone! Finding this need to defend myself all the time ….. and that is just exhausting!
I don’t know why I am here in this desert but I know HE has a purpose to prosper me and not harm me. But being truthful most days I feel like HE has forgotten me.
Susan… I am tracking with you. Oh girl… those desert times are so hard. They hurt. We find ourselves confused. We feel defensive because we’re pretty sure no one else is defending our name. But I love your perspective of knowing that God has you there for a purpose. Keeping asking Him to reveal it, and to protect your name. Ask Him to provide connections for you and your daughter. Use this time wisely. Deepen your time with God, and soak in His Word. I never know why we find ourselves wandering the wilderness, but on the other side I am so grateful for them. Thanks for sharing your heart.
This is so true and it “does” hurt when we see it clearly but as you say we are more the better after this inward look given to us by Him.
Charmaine… I’m so glad God doesn’t leave us where we are. He wants better for us. Love that!
Thank you Carey! You r soo awesome the way you LET God work through you!!!! I miss you like crazy girl!
Conni… so great to hear from you! I hope you’re doing well and blooming where He’s planted you, sweet friend. Always up for coffee once kids get back in school! Love you!
Amen sister! Thank you for this, what a blessing this post is today.
Great to see you again, Shanyn! Hope you’ve had a great summer!
Barbara… God is so very good. 🙂
Great post, very well written. I have always had problems in this area of my life. Slowly God is leading me through by breaking me down so that I only have him left to lean on.
Perfect message for me today…I was just asking myself this question yesterday as the Lord switched my teaching job from a secular high school to an elementary Christian school…I said, “Really?” And felt Him saying, “Yes, really! I’ll be with You along the way! This is where you need to be now!”
Following Christ is so amazing!!
Thank you for your post!
sagescenery… I love how He changes the direction of our lives in a blink. Be expectant for GREAT things this year! Excited for you!