My husband said to me the other day, “Carey, we are in such a place of bounty. God is blessing our family so richly.”
It’s true.
We’ve walked in some crunchy places lately.
We’ve overcome situations that could have caused us to drown in despair.
Our path has been filled with rocks and mud.
But today… I’m in a grateful place.
Because in so many recent situations, I’ve watched as He’s parted the Red Sea and invited us to walk from oppression to freedom.
The road may have been long and the Enemy may have been hot on our heels, but God delivered us safely to the other side.
We just had to put one foot in front of the other in obedience.
As women of God…
as moms to ittie-bitties…
as wives to our husbands…
as friends to others…
… it’s important we remember His faithfulness in our circumstances so we can encourage others to trust God in theirs.
Rather than allow our journey to beat us into discouragement and frustration and resentment and loneliness… we need to sharpen our memories of His handiwork.
I wonder… do you remember the roles God has played in your life?
To name a few, He’s been my:
- Healer
- Restorer
- Savior
- Provider
- Reuniter
- Redirecter
- Redeemeder
I am thankful for the ways God has walked in my life. I appreciate how His fingers have shaped who I am. I love those times He’s proved His unconditional love.
He’s so good.
Do you remember what He’s done for you?
Where has God been active in your life?
Have you committed to memory how you’ve seen Him move?
Maybe it can be summed up by answering this simple question:
Who is God to you?
My friend Cathi and I were talking about this just the other day. She’s the director at a Christian preschool, and created the “alphabet of who God is” to teach her students this year.
At first it sounded so simple. I mean, shouldn’t we ALL know this?
But then I realized that sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I forget who He is. When life gets hard, I struggle to remember what He has done. Often, I can’t recall His promises.
And if I can’t remember who God is… how will I teach my kids?
A – He is Alive
B – He is Beautiful Beyond Belief
C – He is my Creator
D – He is my Devoted Daddy
E – He is my Everything
F – He is my Faithful Friend
G – He is a Good God full of Grace
H – He is Holy
I – He is the I am
J – He is Jealous for me
K – He is a Kind King
L – He is Love
M – He is my Merciful Maker
N – He is Noble
O – He is the One and Only
P – He is my Provider
Q – He is Quick to forgive
R – He is my Redeemer
S – He is my Savior and my Strength
T – He is Truly Terrific
U – He is Unchangeable
V – He is my Victory
W – He is Wise
X – He is eXalted
Y – He is the Yes and amen
Z – He is Zealous for me
And this just scratches the surface.
Friends, who is God to you?
Ask Him to remind you of all the things He has been… all the things He is right now… and all the promises He will fulfill.
And then commit to remember.
REALITY CHECK: Memories are a powerful tool because they help build faith. Each time you see God move in your life… write it down.
© 2012, Alphabet Acrostic created by Cathi Roth
Need ideas on raising Godly kids in today’s world? You can find some here.
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Thank you for this call to remember who God is, who He has been, and who He will be. Every circumstance, every book of the Bible, every trial has the capacity to teach us more about the heart of God, the character of God, and the faithfulness of God. Am I looking to know Him in all my circumstances or just complaining?? This is a great blog of awareness today! 🙂
*Cathi is brilliant and there is nothing more powerful than to hear 100 children speak out the attributes of God!
“…there is nothing more powerful than to hear 100 children speak out the attributes of God!”… Jeanelle, I can only imagine!!!
Cary–I hope you will PLEASE check out our Christmas in July Series–It adds so beautifully to what you have here! Thank you for all of your encouragement!
Love and God Bless,
Christy… thanks for sharing your series. I did go check it out and I loved all the names of God you mentioned. POWERFUL! Thank YOU for letting me know about it. I was blessed!
Loving these ABCs! You should turn these into a graphic we can pin! 🙂
Working on it now, Shannon!