Welcome to October’s Matthew 5:16 Project!
If you remember, the idea behind this year-long project is to challenge us to live intentionally and in such a way that our actions point others to God… resulting in His PRAISE.
- January’s project – Replacing lies with the TRUTH of who we are.
- February’s project – Learning about God’s active love.
- March’s project – Owning our sin and receiving His forgiveness.
- April’s project – Using our words for good… to bless others.
- June’s project – Making the right choices in life.
- September’s project – Choosing joy.
Ready for October’s project? It’s a good one… so let’s get to it!
By the amazing, Amanda Barnes…
Have you ever had a day when the thoughts in your head just weren’t your own?
Have you ever heard your kids grumble and mumble and say things about themselves that just weren’t true?
Have you ever worried about something that you know you shouldn’t be worrying about?
Well recently I’ve had to do some serious talkin’ – to my kids and to myself. I’ve had to wrangle in these thoughts that so easily spiral out of control.
One minute I’m having a doubt about whether or not I am capable of handling even the littlest things. The next? I’m pretty sure I can’t, I shouldn’t, I’ll embarrass myself, I’m not capable…
Truth? I can do all things through Christ.
- He’s equipped me.
- His strength carries me.
- He is the author and perfecter of my faith.
I’ve also seen a trend in my home that is rearing its head as… entitlement. It’s ugly and it’s a lie. The truth is we don’t deserve anything, and we already have much to be thankful for.
Or when I hear my kiddos shaming or speaking hurtful words towards themselves in disgust. Have you heard it with your children, too?
That’s when this momma screams, “NO!” … because I don’t want my babies believing lies… let alone speakin’ them out.
Instead, I want them…
to step up and try again.
to believe in themselves.
to know they can do it.
to know they are good enough.
to believe they have what it takes.
Well, we’ve pulled out the birdcage again, because it’s time to take every thought captive.
My family has done this before. It’s a great exercise to really cause a “pause” in our thoughts. It helps to stomp out “stinkin’ thinkin.” And it’s actually quite simple. It’s fast. It’s effective.
All you do is write your negative thought on an index card… and drop it in the cage.
You’re literally taking it… captive.
And I’ve made a deal with my kids that I won’t read the cards. This makes it safe for my kids to participate fully. And it works wonderfully.
I love how when I write the thought down… it’s almost instantly that I hear – the Truth.
God sweetly corrects and reminds me who I am… and what I can do.
I’m exchanging the lie… for the Truth. It’s that simple.
I love the KJV of 2 Corinthians 10:5. It reads… “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
So often, I have imagined a scenario to be so much more than it is… or worse than it ever actually turns out to be.
This worrying is NOT how God wants us to live.
So when a stray thought threatens my peace, I jot it down and let Christ decide the Truth.
I train myself to think on things the way God would have me think on them.
But it’s not just me. I hear the lies in my kids’ conversations and their self-talk, too.
So when we encourage this exercise as a family, it becomes a fun way to reign in the thoughts and words that have no place in our homes. It becomes a way for our kids to correct us and point us back to the Truth.
And as we capture these thoughts, we can truly drop them off.
… Leave them captive.
… Leave them with Jesus.
He knows where they started … where they’re headed … and what we need.
Held by Him is where FREEdom is!
When I let Jesus be the judge, then I am off the hook. Friends… so are you.
It’s so much better to let Jesus decide what is REALly true about me and my circumstances. And when I trust Him with my thoughts, then I am FREE to think on the GOOD stuff!
Free to think about… Whatever!
Yes, THAT is exactly what we are to think on… “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)
© 2012 careyscotttalks.com, Amanda Barnes
Looking for ideas on raising Godly kids in today’s world? You can find them HERE.
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I like the bird cage idea!! What a great visual of taking thoughts captive. And your testimony of how he then trades the truth for the lies and leaves us free to think whatever is very encouraging. Thank you!
Amanda – I love this visual of what God asks of us. This is necessary and essential in our growth and maturity. What a great way to teach our children the power of their thoughts and their ability to control where their thoughts lead them.