Are you able to share God’s work in your life with others?
Yikes, eh? For some, that might be a hard pill to swallow. It can be scary because others might think you’re a freak for doing so. You could face rejection. Some might tease you or mock you. Others might see you as a “Bible-Thumper” or a “Holy Roller.” It could ruin friendships or marriages. You might lose your job or your standing at work.
So… you run away from those opportunities.
Maybe there is someone who makes you so mad, you don’t even want to share your faith. They may not even know they are being rebellious towards God, but you’re not gonna show them the light! In your opinion, Heaven wouldn’t be big enough for the both of you and you feel confident this person – given a choice – would much more prefer… the eternal steam room.
Yes. Being obedient enough to talk about your faith with others or following God’s prompting and sharing information you know is not going to be popular and/or well received… can be difficult. And you’d rather just steer clear of it.
On the other hand… the words you’d share could be life-giving and life-saving.
Remember the story of Jonah who God called to Nineveh? Although it took him a while to accept His calling into that city (a city ruled by the evil Assyrian empire and Israel’s most dreaded enemy), he eventually went because he knew the power of God’s message and deep down he wanted them to be spared God’s judgment.
Because Jonah obeyed God and preached in the streets of Nineveh, the people repented and were delivered from judgment.
Jonah’s words brought life and truth to the lost. We are the tool He uses to do that. That includes… you.
Here is your homework for the week. Start praying for those who seem to be furthest from the Kingdom and look for ways to tell them about God.
- Maybe it’s your neighbor who is going through a divorce and can’t make sense of it all
- Maybe it’s a parent whose heart is bitter and cold
- Maybe it’s a coworker who is so far in the pit of sin they can’t see their way out
- Maybe it’s a friend who is making some bad choices with drugs or alcohol
- Maybe it’s a child who is getting lost in the crowd
Look… Jonah didn’t want to do the job God was calling for Him to do. To say he was reluctant is the understatement of the year. Enter Shamu. 🙂
But He did it. And a whole city was spared. Wow…
Can’t you see how our world needs modern day Jonahs? It needs people to shine for God and be a light in this world that can be so dark in its own sin.
Quit running away. The world needs you.
Enter Shamu.
That’s what I’m going to think every time I knowingly disobey, or am tempted to be skimpy on the life-giving words.
I think God is really talking to me through you – you know how when he gives you similar messages in a short period of time!? Well, on Sunday I got the holy discontent message about finding what really gets you upset in the world, then gettting on your knees to find out what he wants you to be doing about it, and then gettin after it. Then today I get your Shamu-is-on-your-tail message about Jonah and his resistance and finally, I just read this in my quiet time – tell me if this challenges you…
No matter how faithfully you attend church, how generously you give, how circumspectly you walk, how eloquently you teach, or how beautifully you sing, if you are not endeavoring to bring people to Jesus Christ, you are not right with God.”
Adrian Rogers
A consistent, persistent, message that I need to stew over awhile!! Thanks Carey!
Dang, girl! That is spot-on! Wow… so true. It’s like we are circling our true calling rather than actually doing what we are called. As usual… great insight, sister! Thanks for sharing!
Oh yeah…Jonah story woke me up again. In my case, I probably need to tone down and listen more. People don’t care how much I know until they know how much I care. Learning that one the hard way! Love the way God works through you girlfriend! Keep them coming! Thanks God!
Thanks for the encouragement, Conni!
Good point, Conni!!! I’ve learned that the hard way too!!!
Thumbs up!