We can all remember when we were younger and we got bullied in school. Unfortunately, it’s just part of life and few (if any) were able to avoid taunting.
Some of us were injured with words… painful words. Others got pounded on and knocked around. Some were the brunt of all the jokes. Others just couldn’t catch a break and no matter what decision they made, it was ridiculed.
Kid stuff, right?
Not necessarily. I know adults who still feel bullied from time to time. Even bullied from God-fearing men and women. It saddens me, because we are called to a higher level than that.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…” I’m not sure what part of that scripture sounds negotiable.
This life is a race. While in the thick of it, we need encouragement to keep going… to finish it well. We need our friends and family to support and lift us up through it! Life is hard and the Enemy is hell-bent on bringing us down.
A word of encouragement can be the difference between finishing it in style or collapsing along the way.
Be aware of those around you!! Look for opportunities to encourage one another! Be supportive in both your words and your actions. Stand up for those who are in a storm and are being beat down by life! Be mindful when joking crosses the line and become hurtful.
We should breathe life into others… not deflate them.
Be different from the world! Encourage one another in life’s trials… we all need it!
Tears. on. my. cheeks.
I wish this post was not so appropriate.
Let me just tell you what an encouragement you’ve been to me! Through your devotions, chats, and comments.
I Thes. 5:11
This speaks volumes to me right now. Thank you. You are a gem!