Because of your position as a parent, you are a powerful force in the lives of your children.
- Your kids watch how you act in situations to see what’s right and wrong.
- They trust you to take care of their needs.
- When they have questions, they look to you for answers.
- You help set their moral compass to point towards good or evil.
- Your kids learn how they should be treated based on how you treat them.
And while all of these are important to keep in mind, you hold the most power in their lives with your words.
Did you ever consider that?
With a word you can encourage them or deflate them. With one sentence, you can allow them to feel loved or unwanted. You have the ability to make them feel great worth or feel like a burden.
Oh yes… your words are so very, very powerful indeed.
I’m talking about this exact topic today at CWAHM. I’m discussing how we can choose to curse or bless our kids. And we do have a choice.
When we bless them, we are essentially speaking life into them. We are agreeing with God’s hope and desire for them. We are making our voice louder than the Enemy’s voice.
And not only should we do it… we are called to do it!
- Maybe you’re not sure where to start or what to say.
- Maybe you need more information on why you should bless your kids.
- Maybe you have no idea when or where this should happen.
I can help! Click here and I’ll take you over to CWAHM where I’m answering all these questions. Plus, I’m sharing a few sample blessings that we say to our kids.
Friends… as long as there is breath in your lungs, be intentional in blessing your children.
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Loved this!! Much needed reminder of not just speaking “words” over them but to seek what God wants to say over them. Love it. Thank you.
Asking God what He wants to say is a new concept to me with regard to blessing. I used to speak over my kids to encourage them, but taking time to involve God takes it to a whole new level!
Sooooo true Carey. What a tremendous opportunity we have to speak life into our kids. I am learning to be purposeful about what comes out of my mouth toward them… And to be cautious about what flies out when they are driving mommy mad!
Oh gosh… we DO have to be so careful of the words we say when we get frustrated with our kids. Great addition!
Oh wow, this is so true. I think that is the reason many Christiankids are turning away from the church when they get older because they experience so many Christians whose words are contrary to the WORD of GOD.
Many kids equate Christianity to their Christian parents attitude at home. Are we speaking like Christians to our kids?
Sistergirl… great observation and question – “Are we speaking like Christians to our kids?” I think you are spot on!