My daughter is known as a “peace-maker” in her class.
When there is conflict between classmates, she helps smooth things over. If a visit to the principal’s office is in order, she serves as an unbiased source to help unpack the issue.
This isn’t a role chosen by her teacher. It’s one given to her by her classmates.
When she shared this with me, it offered another little peek into my 10-year-old daughter. And I just love what I see.
Sara is a peace-maker.
And when I think about it, I can clearly see this play out in our family.
– When Wayne and I are at odds, she encourages us to “hug it out.”
– When her brother is in trouble, she does extra things around the house in hopes of changing the stressful atmosphere.
– When one of us is upset, Sara offers more hugs and kisses.
– When we’re disappointed at her, she tries to quickly remedy the situation.
I love her heart for reconciliation and harmony. She has a gentle spirit that makes it easy for others to be around.
While my baby is competitive, fun-loving, outgoing, bold and a risk-taker, she also has an unmistakable desire for harmony.
Romans 12:18 reminds us that this mindset is wisdom.
“If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people.”
I appreciate that my daughter offers peace, especially knowing the DNA I’ve passed along to her.
Because for most of my life, I’ve been a bridge-burner.
… Oh Lord help me.
I’ve played with fire as far back as I can remember. It never occurred to me to put down the matches and shake hands.
Or hug a neck.
Or apologize.
My initial reaction was to end the relationship. Other times I’d cut to the quick with my words. I held others to unrealistic and unattainable expectations.
And in an effort to protect my broken, wounded heart… I had a strict “one strike and you’re out” mentality.
Ugh. I hate even admitting it.
You see, for most of my life… living at peace was never a consideration.
But God.
Sometimes I wonder where I’d be had I kept on burning those bridges.
But rather than continuing to live in the flames of anger, bitterness, and pain… this pyromaniac was engulfed by the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus.
And it changed my life.
Friends, who are you right now? Today.
Are you a bridge-burner, operating out of your wounding? Do you lack grace for others? Is your response laced with hate? Are you desperate to hold on to your control? Do you always see the negative?
… Or…
Are you a peace-maker? Do you love others without (or with little) conditions? Are you quick to take responsibility for your part in the mess? Do you offer grace when it’s not deserved? Do you recognize the blessings in your life?
You know what?
You get to choose who you will be… how you will live… if you will love.
It’s your decision.
God tells us we’re the light of the world (Matt. 5:14) and the aroma of Christ (2 Cor. 2:15).
Our job is to point others to Him.
But when we hurt rather than help… when we burn rather than build… we can’t be those things.
Let God change you.
Open your heart to His healing.
Allow Him to soften your spirit.
And… “If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people.”
Now more than ever, God needs us to be peace-makers to a broken world… pointing them to Him.
©2013 Carey Scott
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Beautiful! I especially love this line. “But rather than continuing to live in the flames of anger, bitterness, and pain… this pyromaniac was engulfed by the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus.”
Thank you, Sarah! So appreciate your support and friendship.
Fantastic word today – great insight!!!
Appreciate you, Jeanelle!
Thank you for sharing your heart. I don’t know where I’d be if it were not for you and other’s like you who are willing to open their lives and pour out their love through their words and walk. Have a blessed day.
Traci… we are all on this journey together. Thanks for walking it with me!
Carey thank you once again for your willingness to be so incredibly transparent to those of us around you. I so appreciate that trait and you are a great example to me as I strive to live and truly be more transparent in the struggles of everyday.
Bev… thanks for liking me anyway! 🙂