Why can’t life just be easy and simple? Amen?
It seems every time life is good… it’s a phase. And when life throws punches at you… it’s another phase. Oh how I wish life was consistently easy!
But it’s not. As a matter of fact… sometimes it’s just downright nasty.
There are seasons in life when we wonder how we’ll stand through the storm. And when there’s a lull in that storm, another tornado comes bearing down and we cry out… “Why me?”
The Bible tells us not to expect an easy life. It actually says we’ll have troubles in this life. It makes sense, though, because if life was a cake-walk… we wouldn’t need His help.
We’d go it alone. There would be no need for community with our Creator.
So while I firmly believe that the Evil One works overtime to make our lives miserable, and I know that sometimes we just make stupid choices… I also know that sometimes the reason we struggle is because of God.
Author Os Hillman says, “When we go through a trial of adversity, we need to understand that God is performing radical surgery on our life. The purpose of this surgery is not to destroy us, but to give us a new heart. God is making a fundamental change in who we are and who we will be.”
Sometimes it’s God.
I wonder if you’re struggling with that statement because you thought that if anyone was on your team… it would be God.
Listen, He is on your side which is exactly why He allows adversity. He allows it because:
- Difficulties can help us face and work through issues that keep us in bondage.
- Hardships can cause us to deepen our relationship with Him by pressing in.
- Relational trouble can make us more aware of certain people’s effect on our lives.
He loves you enough to not let you sit in your own crud for long. He wants more for His children. God has a purpose for each of us… but sometimes we need to be primed.
“I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (GWT)
He is promising that His plans for you won’t lead to disaster. Rather, God’s plan for you is a future filled with hope. But just as we have to let our children go through tough times so they can learn and grow… so does God.
Any loving parent would.
Look… when you find yourself facing hard times, ask God if it’s Him. And if it is, ask what He need you to learn or let go of. But if you discover the battle is evil, then lean on God to bring you through.
Either way… your best resource is God.
But isn’t He always?
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Carey – Have you been reading my journal? Or have you been talking to Karen about me? Yikes that was a timely message for me today! Thank you!