Friends, you totally encouraged me with your words of support yesterday. And your prayers were felt more than you realize. Thank you for taking my family before the throne to the only One who can heal.
In the midst of the bully situation, God gave me a phrase to share with my son. And in the shower yesterday, He told me to share it with you. So here you go…
Sisters, you are loved for who you are… not what you do.
Don’t brush it off. Before you move on, repeat it to yourself in first person – out loud. “I am loved for who I am… not what I do.” Now again, boldly. Like you mean it.
God loves you for you. Now the world won’t always feel that way, but God always does. There is nothing you can do more of or less of to change that.
You are loved for WHO you are…
- Not for how your house is decorated
- Not for the successes you’ve tucked under your belt
- Not for the kind of mother or wife you are
- Not for the degree of your domestic goddess-ness
- Not for all the scripture you’ve memorized or Bible studies you’ve led
No, sweet friends. Just because of who you are.
Oh how I needed to hear that today! What a generous Father to love us completely and perfectly. Knowing that calms me. You? What a gift.
I wonder, then, why so many of us struggle to believe that truth. I’m certain that deep-down, you want to believe it. Many of you pray to God asking Him to help you do just that.
But in reality, it’s a concept that just doesn’t seem to stick.
Because the Enemy is doing everything he can do keep that truth from you. And the longer he can keep you on that endless performance-based roller coaster, the better. Oh I am in fightin’ mode today!
But friends, you have the ability to choose where your value lies. You get to decide how your worth is defined.
- Will you let the world tell you that you’re loved and valued because of what you have or what you do?
- Or will you accept the truth that you’re loved simply because you’re a child of God, and because of what Jesus did on the cross, your identity rests in Him?
It’s your choice. You get to choose. But there is a very convincing argument.
“Then Christ will live in you through faith. I also pray that love may be the ground into which you sink your roots and on which you have your foundation. This way, with all of God’s people you will be able to understand how wide, long, high, and deep His love is.” (Ephesians 3:18)
In other words, His love for you is only because of who you are… not what you do. And it’s endless.
Do I hear an amen in the house?
p.s. Today is Sam’s first day at his new school. If he crosses your mind, I would appreciate a prayer for confidence, acceptance and for fast friendships to develop.
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Praying for Sam to have a blessed first day and for his teacher to have immense wisdom as s/he helps him transition to a new environment.
Sooooooooooooo, no more workie!!!!
Just sent a prayer winging its way to the One who loves that boy more than words can say!
Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement. Yes, we do all need the reminder that we are love for who we are (in HIM)!!! Amen!
Praying for your sweet Sam today. Praying for his sweet spirit, for good friendships and for confidence in who he is!! Praying for you and Wayne also as you raise him up to be the man God created him to be!!
Hope you have a great week.
Cindi Meyer
P.S. I’d still like to reschedule a coffee get together sometime with you!! 🙂
Amen. Knowing who I am in Christ and how He sees me, loves me, walks alongside me has made ALL the difference in the world. Hope Sam had a blessed FIRST day! I was praying for him and YOU!
What a beautiful post. Thank you for the reminder. I totally understand the bully thing, been there, still working through that. And like you said in your other post, YES, praying for them is crucial and so so important for our kids to hear and learn. Great wisdom in this blog of yours, I’ll be back.