“But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.” Micah 7:7
I am not necessarily a patient person. But I get tons of opportunities to practice…
- I am mother to the slowest 7-year-old on the planet who is always running at least 10 minutes behind schedule.
- For some reason, I always choose the slowest check-out lane at the grocery store.
- I commute to Denver for work (need I say more).
- Too many people want a Starbucks… when I need one. 🙂
The problem is that we live in a microwave society where we want… and are used to getting… things the way we want them, NOW.
But God so patient! We see it all through the Old Testament. And that’s a good thing, because if it were me…
- Adam and Eve would have had shock collars to keep them from the “tree.”
- Jonah wouldn’t have been spit back out.
- Noah would have been required to build faster.
- The Israelites would have gone hungry.
But I love the picture this scripture in Micah paints for us. We’re told to watch in hope and wait for God to respond to us… because He does hear us.
I wonder if the reason we choose to make decisions without first hearing from Him is because we think He’s too busy to really hear us. We’ve been praying for weeks with no clear answer… so maybe we’re just supposed to make this decision without Him.
But… we are told over and over again in scripture to watch and wait, and still we don’t. I’d like to suggest that we all have a problem with our “wait.” We choose to believe that we’re able to make “those” decisions for ourselves. That we know what’s best for us.
The bottom line is that it’s not all about you. It’s not all about me. He doesn’t work on our timeline. Our calendars don’t dictate His answers.
He’s rarely early… but He’s never late.
It’s hard. Trust me… I know! I’m just as bratty as the next person at times. But I encourage you to trust in the Lord and know that in His perfect timing, He… will… answer.
Your part (our part) is to ask Him. Watch in Hope. And Wait.
He hears you…
I am constantly learning new ways to wait 🙂 But, the more I have learned to listen for His voice the easier the waiting gets. Not that I don’t fidget while sitting in the waiting room, but atleast I know which doctors voice to listen for. That, and He has answered me so much that I know, that I know, that I know, He will answer!
Thanks for the reminder to practice patience well.
Once again, wise words my friend. This one should be included in the devotional book. 😉