Every once in a while you come across a woman who is the real-deal. One who loves Jesus and walks her faith out loud. My friend Jenny is one of those women. And I am humbled to introduce her to you. If you like what she shares, you can find more of the same in her new book below. Enjoy…
It’s a decision I can never take back.
And it’s left me questioning my entire being.
I’ve hated who I’ve become, and erupt into anger (often) over the stupidity of my actions.
I cry all the time, laugh only a little, and can’t help but to constantly think about the mistakes I’ve made. The way I’ve hurt my loved ones, damaged a relationship, and broken a trust.
I’m facing the realization that these choices can’t be undone no matter how hard I try, or how badly I want to.
It’s as if I spend more time focused on the sin that was committed rather than the forgiveness I’ve been afforded.
And there’s a reason: I see the disappointment in their faces, the hurt in their eyes, and I know I’m the cause of it.
I’m the reason they’re struggling, and the forgiveness I desire above all else seems impossible to receive.
Except for One.
This guy, Jesus—He went to battle in order to wipe these sins of mine away.
In His eyes, I am redeemed. Pure as snow, washed clean. I’m forgiven by Him.
I am loved.
And I guess that’s all that should matter.
Girls, how many times have we done this?
How many times have we beaten ourselves up for our transgressions—our sins?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent years (years!) doing just that over the lousy decisions I’ve made, wishing them away—incapable of fully grasping the magnitude of God’s grace.
It’s a horrible space to dwell in, but here’s what I need to share with you—you who might be doing the same thing…
God loves you without reservation, and minus all those “buts” and “what ifs.”
He may not like the way you’re living or the sin that’s taken place, but He loves you in spite of it all.
God may hate sin, but He could never hate you.
How many of us really know this?
How many of us truly believe this with all our hearts?
How many know without a doubt that that God’s love is unconditional?
Here’s the truth: Nothing you can do can make Him love you less.
You can’t earn His love or approval, friends. It’s already there. And when it comes to forgiveness, it’s waiting for you.
So, take those negative thoughts, those doubts and all of that guilt that’s been weighing you down, and give it to Him.
Let it go.
Purge that pain, shame, and self-hatred and place it in God’s hands. That’s what He wants, for you to feel free…for you to see yourself as He sees you.
For you to forgive yourself.
Ask for forgiveness, sweet sister.
Seek His presence.
Rest in His Word.
And then? Never look back…
Jenny Lee Sulpizio is a Christian mom, wife, and author of the recently released, For the Love of God: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Faith and Getting Grace.
She and her husband Michael reside in the uber warm state of Arizona with their three children. Connect with Jenny online by visiting her website: www.jennyleesulpizio.com
It’s 6:45 AM, and I’m taking a short break to sit at my kitchen table to catch my breath before the daily craziness/chaos begins. When THIS pops up on my cell phone. Do I have time to actually read a devotional? Will it be meaningful to me, will I get it?
Yes to all of the above. I’m sitting here in teara. Healing, cleansing tears. This is EXACTLY what I needed to know this morning, a tailor made message from Jesus to me, as if He was sitting right across the table from me, delivering it personally.
Thank you.
Pamela… I love that! God’s timing is so perfect. His message is so clear. And I am grateful that He knows just what we need to hear. Soak in His truth today, sister!
Thank you so much for having me, sweet friend. Hugs!
So excited about your book, Jenny! What a gift to share with the world!
Great post Carey! Thank you so much and here’s a shout out to Jenny! 😉
Thanks for stopping by, Hester!