Today is Friday With Friends! Each Friday for the next few months, I’m going to introduce you to some of my favorite writers. Each has their own style, and all are worth your read.
Today… Ms. Shannon Milholland. She is, hands down, my favorite writer. Her words soothe me. Get ready to fall in love.
“Mommy, I’m afraid of policemen,” Carynne (4) confessed on the way to school this morning.
“Oh Rynnie, policemen are wonderful. God uses them to protect us. We don’t need to be afraid of them.” The words rolled from my tongue but bounced back from my heart. Why do people in positions of unrestrained power evoke fear in my heart?
My mind spins in reverse back to a time when I wasn’t much older than Carynne. A man of unrestrained power used his position over me to scar my young heart. I shudder as the past and present fuse. My irrational fear sprouts from ancient seed.
“Mommy, policemen don’t protect us. God does.”
Unaltered truth spoken from innocent lips shatters my thoughts. Did I real-ly believe those words? I let them soak deep as God’s truth washes over me.
Psalm 5:11… “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”
Sing for joy? Really God?
“Shannon, take refuge in me. My protection will be your joy.”
The song starts as a whisper…
You are my strong tower
Shelter over me
Beautiful and mighty
Everlasting King
You are my strong tower
Fortress when I’m weak
Your name is true and holy
And Your face is all I seek
The second verse contains this lyric: “In the midst of all my fear.”
In the middle of my fear, I can choose praise.
In choosing praise, I choose protection.
I wonder how our lives would change if we real-ly lived this truth?
Join me.
Invite God into the middle of your fear.
Shannon is the author of Jesus & My Orange Juice, a fresh-squeezed oasis for ordinary life. She finds joy among miles of carpools and piles of laundry and delights in leading others to this place of contentment in life. Join the conversation at Jesus & My Orange Juice where God shows up in her everyday life.
Shannon is Social Media Director for Southern Writers Magazine. She writes articles both for their magazine and blog about blogging and building a platform as an author. Southern Writers exists to nurture and encourage writers and fits perfectly with Shannon’s uplifting personality.
When not writing, you can find Shannon speaking to audiences with a message of hope and encouragement. Straight forward about her own struggles, Shannon is a compassionate advocate fighting for victory in the lives of her audience. You can also find her on facebook and twitter.
Wow, loved your daughters answer………
and your are so right about really living the truth……….it is amazing the times
we just don’t see that we aren’t…. until the spirit or the spirit uses someone else to check us on it……………course, that is always a good wake up call because if we really love the Lord none of us wants to live like a christian athiest.
How patient our Lord is with us………..
Thanks for sharing this wonderful truth and challenge,
Blessings to both of you!
Carey and Shannon~
I think both of you are talented and gifted by God in your writing abilities. However, we all know this is the by product of a life that is REAL with Jesus. You guys must walk in the trenches to be used by God so powerfully!
I am just kicking myself for not meeting you girls at She Speaks this year. What an honor to now read your thoughts! They speak volumes to my heart! Seriously!
Bless you both!
Amy, what a sweet comment. I can’t speak for Shannon, but I have walked many trenches in my life. God has been so gracious to use what the Enemy wanted for evil… for His glory. I’m so humbled by His footprints in my life. You really encouraged me today. Cannot thank you for stopping by and speaking such life into me! Be blessed sister!
@Amy Trench dweller for sure! God has walked with me through the fire and by His grace alone brought me through to the other side. And let’s make a date for next She Speaks!
@Nellie so true – the light of God’s truth eradicates darkness!
@Carey Your introduction blew me away. I am so humbled because I know all the praise belongs to the Author of my salvation!
Carey, thanks for doing the ‘old switcheruni with Shannon. Shannon is one of my favorites. And now she has lead me to your blog which is going to be a grand adventure!
Hope your weekend is memorable!
So glad you stopped by, Becky! Hope to see you around from time to time. Be Blessed, sister!
Becky Jane, YOU are such a great encourager. My spirit is lifted any place I see your face!