What do you do when God asks you to do something?
- Run away screaming like a little girl?
- Dig in your heels and refuse to budge?
- Plug your ears and sing la-la-la-la?
- Act like you didn’t realize He was talking to you?
- Or raise your hand and say, “Count me in!”
When God asks us to follow Him, our response should be… yes. When God reveals our calling, our response to it should be… yes, please. When He wants to use us to further His Kingdom, we should say… yes, Father!
But so many times, our answer is “no.“
Now while we may not literally say that exact word, sometimes our response to His request says just that.
I wonder though…
- What if Beth Moore or Billy Graham called and asked for your help with something? Would you say no to them?
- Or what if Oprah called in a favor? Would you be too busy to help?
- And what would you say if Bono asked for you to assist him in a project? Would you tell him you’re not interested?
Probably not. Chances are you’d jump at the chance to be a part of whatever they are doing.
Don’t we realize what an honor it is to be asked by the Creator of the Universe to be a part of His plan? Do we mentally grasp that God knows us and our talents and gifts and thought of us for a specific task?
He is asking you to be a part of something… big. Something with immeasurable eternal value.
The reality is though, He doesn’t need us. He can accomplish anything He wants. He is capable of fixing every problem, answering every question, and making anything happen.
So why does He ask us to participate?
Because He created us for community and longs to have an active relationship with us. He also created us for a purpose. According to Matthew 5:14, we are to be the light of the world, meaning we are His plan to bring His message to this world.
Maybe you’re scared, thinking you don’t have what it takes. You are not alone. Sometimes I doubt my ability. We even see this battle with insecurity from Godly men in the Bible. They, too, struggled to believe they had what it takes.
- Moses initially said no because of a stuttering problem but when he finally stepped into his calling God trusted him to lead His chosen people.
- Although Jonah ran from his calling and ended up inside Shamu, he eventually overcame his fear of Ninevah and delivered the message.
- David continually messed up, but because he had such a strong desire to live for God he will forever be known as a man after God’s own heart.
Rest knowing that if God asks something of us, He will give us everything we need to accomplish it.
What God is asking might be out of our comfort zones. Do it anyway. It might be scary. Do it anyway. We might struggle wondering if anyone will respond to us. Do it anyway. It might not make sense. Do it anyway.
Sisters, we need to get over our fine selves. It’s time to say yes to whatever it is that God is asking. Whatever. We need to stop finding convenient excuses and step into our calling.
He is asking. How will you answer?
Great post…especially the points on Moses, Jonah and David!
Great post, Carey!!!!!! 🙂