As I was running out the door yesterday, I grabbed a Kind Bar.
It wasn’t that I was hungry. I just wasn’t sure how long I’d be gone and I wanted to have this snack “just in case” my tummy started to growl in hunger.
Just in case.
Sometimes I wonder if our faith is like that.
- Do we ask God for wisdom, but go ahead and move forward just in case the opportunity passes?
- Do we become a Christ-follower but dabble in other religions just in case we’ve got it wrong?
- Do we feel a firm leading from God, but take the other path just in case He changes His mind?
- Do we turn our problems over to Him, but still hang on a little… just in case it’s not being resolved as we’d like?
- Do we keep a tight grip on certain areas of our lives rather than trust God with them just in case He let’s us down?
Do we have “just in case” faith because we doubt God’s faithfulness? Do we just not trust Him?
Maybe we need to rethink this.
“He is a rock. What he does is perfect. All his ways are fair. He is a faithful God, who does no wrong. He is honorable and reliable.” (Deut. 32:4)
Let me unpack that for you.
This passage tells us God is:
a rock…
always right…
God is the real deal. The complete package. The whole enchilada. The end all, be all.
We can completely trust Him with our journeys.
But so often… we don’t.
- We struggle to understand His timing and plan.
- We doubt He has our best interest in mind.
- We hesitate to believe He’s in every detail of our life.
That grieves the heart of God, because He’s always got our back.
Maybe it’s time to retrain our brain… rechart our heart… derust our trust.
No matter the situation, no matter the people involved, no matter the level of emotions… God is always FOR us.
He is inviting us to turn our “just in case” faith into a “He’s got my back” faith.
When we do this, we no longer have to wonder if God will come through this time.
We don’t have to see His plans in advance to believe they will always be to prosper us.
Rather than have a Plan B, we decide to trust Him as our Plan A in all things.
We choose to believe that…
God is a rock when we need strength.
He is reliable when we need direction.
He is honorable with our hearts.
He’s always right in His ways and timing.
God is faithful to be working on our behalf.
He is fair in His judgement.
God’s plans for our lives are perfect.
Sisters, don’t worry. In all things… at all times… in every situation…
He’s got your back.
REALITY CHECK: When others fail you, God promises that He never will. Our job is to believe Him.
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Love this line: “it’s time to retrain our brain… rechart our heart… derust our trust.” It shows that our willingness to trust the Lord is a choice. That means we will have situations where it calls for us to stand firm on who He is. May I not treat Him as a back-up plan but rather as the first-response plan. Thank you for the call to go higher in our thoughts.
Jeanelle… I love your whole-hearted pursuit of Him.
I love how you see God in everything now!!!!
I love how you unpacked that verse, very well done! Really helped me see all the parts of what God was telling me, us, everyone. Bright blessings!
Thanks, Shanyns! So glad it made sense! LOL… sometimes my head is an “interesting” place to be! 🙂