Ah friends, my heart is heavy today!
Can I just mention how hard parenting is? It is hands-down the most difficult job I’ve ever had. The complexity of it humbles me beyond belief.
Our kids battle the negative, performance-based messages of this world everyday. Even if you’re a “church” family and your kids are in a loving environment, they are bombarded by intense unholiness at every turn.
It’s relentless.
The result can be discouragement. Their tender hearts hurt and they struggle to know what to do with all those emotions.
Unfortunately, there are no quick, easy fixes. Oh, how I wish there were!
The bottom line is that the Enemy hates our children because he knows God loves them so dearly. And since he can’t get to God, the Devil goes for the next best thing… God’s precious children.
Game on.
Stand up and say no! When the Enemy starts to battle for your kids, don’t you dare be complacent thinking it will all work itself out. You’d be crazy to leave it to chance. As moms, we need to be intentional!
- Pray for them every day (you may be the only one who does).
- Speak life and truth into their hearts.
- Intercede for them in prayer throughout the day.
- Be available.
- Spend time pouring to them.
When we do these things, we send a message to our children that they hold great value. We also send a message to the Enemy that his plan will eventually fail – miserably.
Rather than spend time worrying or freaking out… instead of spiraling into ineffectiveness… We need to armor up for battle.
And did you realize we have a very dangerous weapon in our arsenal? It’s called prayer.
Philippians 4:6-7 says “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (Message)
Simply stated, we need to change our worries to prayers.
And when we do that, God will settle our hearts. He will calm us with the understanding that He’s got this battle in His view.
- We can take a deep breath knowing God is fully engaged in the situation.
- Our perspective changes from worldly fears to heavenly protection.
- We realize our strength because of Him.
Sisters, we can have hope when our kids are being targeted by the Enemy. We have the power through Christ to stand up and battle for them through prayer. When we ask, Divine help is available.
Father I lift up our children to you, especially those who are struggling with life. I know you love them dearly and so I ask that you help us love them even better. Reveal to us the causes of their pain and give us an insider’s perspective to what they need from us. Father I pray that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and that you continue the good work you predestined for them before the creation of the world. I thank you in advance for the victory in battle and for your faithfulness. Amen.
Your children need you! It’s time to get your game on.
Now mom, go get on the battlefield.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Amazing. Retweeting this. I cut and pasted and shared the link with a friend. Really appropriate for my friends right now. God’s timing is amazing. Thank you for sharing!
Game On!
Connie, thanks sister! I’m in the middle of battle right now and can only imagine the countless other moms who are doing the same thing. Thank you for sharing! Bless your day AND your talk this weekend!!!
Greater is HE in US then he that is in the world!
And Sherry… I am so thankful for THAT!
Lock and load baby…mammas pullin out the big guns!!! Good word – powerful prayer.
I’m glad you’re in battle with me. It encourages me, sister. 🙂