I drove to Estes Park to visit my parents this last weekend. Since Wayne and Sam were backpacking, Sara and I decided to go up and spend some much-needed time with them.
We’d had a hectic week. Summer camp, water days, gymnastics, gardening, work, etc. We were both pretty tired, so on the drive up… it was quiet in the car. She was doing her thing in the back seat and I was enjoying the beautiful drive up the canyon.
This 45 minute trip provides a scenic drive up the canyon from Loveland to Estes, winding through the mountains next to the raging Big Thompson river. You go from 4982 feet in elevation to 7522. It’s a breathtaking drive for sure.
Because the road winds back and forth, you go from shade to full sun off and on the entire trip.
I’ve made this trip a million times, but something caught my attention THIS time. When the road took me into a shaded section, I noticed how clean my windshield looked. I mean, it was spotless! No bug splats, no streaks from rain, no nothing…
But as soon as I drove into the warm sunshine and it covered the window, I was amazed at how VERY dirty the windshield actually was. To my surprise, there were streaks and smudges all over… and several bugs had seen my windshield on their last stop before bug-heaven (I am actually hoping they do have a separate heaven, cuz momma don’t like bugs).
When in the dark and shaded-areas, my windshield looked just fine, but when the sun hit it… all the dirt was revealed.
It’s the same way for us. To many (and maybe to ourselves), our windshields… our lives… may look clean as a whistle. But, we all know that once light hits… all of our smudges and smears will be revealed. So, we purposely keep all or certain parts of our windshield in the shade – hidden. Once the SON shines on our windshield in His timing and for His purpose, however, our humanness… our sins… are discovered. Probably not all at once… but eventually.
Numbers 32:23b tells us we may be sure that our sins will be discovered. In this scripture, Moses was speaking these words to the two tribes who wanted to stay on this side of the Jordan rather than go with the rest of Israelites into their Promised Land. Although Moses agreed and allowed it, he warned them to not break their agreement to help the other tribes take the land through force because if they went back on their words in any way… “your sin will find you out.”
Sin will, without doubt, find out the sinner sooner or later. Like that windshield that looks clean in the shade, our dirt will show once the SON shines on it.
Today, ask God to search you and show you any way you may be offensive to Him. Do the work now, repent to your Father before your sin leads you into destruction.
I’m off to clean that windshield. I want it to be clean in the shade… and in the sun. How about you?
I love your writing, your style, your analogies- always, but for some reason this one in particular strikes me. It should be published, Carey. It’s so universal. Love it!
Heatherly! What a compliment that was and an encouragement you are! Where would I publish such a thing? Suggestions?
totally love the bug comment:)
Carey…how you can take an everyday moment and turn it into a God moment just amazes and inspires me! God breathes new life into you so you can breathe it into us! Thanks for being obedient to your calling and your gifts God has given you to share with our world! Bless u friend!