My “Nanny” passed away October 15th, just a few months short of her 92nd birthday.
I wish you’d known her.
Trust me. You’d be a better person for it.
She grew up unwanted by her family and regarded as a burden to those who agreed to take care of her. With few exceptions, her childhood was painful. But because of her relationship with Jesus, she was able to break countless generational curses and instead create countless generational blessings for our family.
She was a loving mother, wife and grandmother even though these roles were never modeled for her.
Oh I loved and admired this woman.
Last weekend, I was privileged to give the following eulogy at her funeral. What an honor to share my Nanny with those in attendance.
Would you indulge me as I share her with you… too?
My grandmother was a simple person.
She didn’t worry about fancy clothes… but the ones she had always suited her well.
She didn’t have the latest hairstyle or spend hours applying make-up… but she had the sweetest smile that lit up her whole face.
She didn’t have a fancy house… but you could always smell something yummy in the kitchen.
She didn’t drive the coolest cars… but she delivered a lot of home-cooked meals to those who were in need.
She wasn’t a concert pianist… but when she played the piano and sang she filled the room with beauty.
She didn’t travel the world… but she loved all of God’s people and generously supported mission work across the globe.
She didn’t spend her time trying to make a name for herself… but instead served and volunteered selflessly whenever she could.
Mary McCreless knew better than to get caught up in what the world said was important.
She lived “simply.”
She simply loved her family… her church… her Creator… her friends.
My grandmother didn’t need the best… she didn’t need the newest… didn’t need the most expensive.
She was the most happy and the most content when she was simply surrounded by her family.
I remember her as far back as my memory goes. We’ve always had such a special connection.
When I hurt, she would say two words that I’ve come to love… “Ah, Honey.”
When I pulled off a prank on her (which was often), she would tell me to “go butt a stump.”
When I told a joke she didn’t understand, she’d laugh anyway.
I will miss her…
I’m so glad I was a part of her life. I’m so thankful that our relationship was so special. I’m a better person because of her influence in my life.
I cling to the hope that she will greet me at the doors of heaven one day with a fresh loaf of zucchini bread (my favorite), and I will run into her arms and she will hug me tightly and say, “Ah, honey.”
I love you, Nanny.
Thank you for allowing me to share those words with you.
My hope is that you have someone in your life that is just as special. Someone who relentlessly encourages and affirms you. A person who loves you… stumbles, fumbles and all.
Friends, take notes.
Because one day it will be your turn to be that light for another.
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I wish I had known your Nanny too, but really I do. I see her in the honest way you deal with life and others. I hear her in your words of kindness and comfort. I feel her in your undying love and devotion for Jesus.
Thanks, Nanny, for helping make Carey an even more incredible woman! I can’t wait to hug your neck.
Shannon… you will never know just how much your comment means to me. Thank you, sister.
Hi friend. So sorry to hear about nanny. I know you loved her. What a treat to have her in your life. Love, kerri
Kerri, thank you for your sweet words. I know you know just how much she meant to me. Great to hear from you!
What a powerful woman of God. What a wonderful way to be spoken of! Makes me think – what will I be remembered for? What impact am I leaving – what do people know me for? Our character can change, equip, guide, model and infuse love into other people’s life – may my lifestyle be so simple and focused that the only thing people can see or remember is my love for Jesus and others. Thank you for sharing your “Nanny” with us and reminding me to value what has lasting reward.
Thank you for sharing Nanny with me. What a wonderful and godly woman she sounds like; a true role model in exhibiting what is most important in this life. Your family is in my prayers during this time of saying good-bye on this earth and waiting to be reunited with her in heaven. And I join you in thanking God for blessing your family with Nanny, who loved y’all and loved Him with her whole heart.
With sympathy and love,
Ann-Marie… so great to hear from you again! Thanks for your kind words, sweet friend!
What a HUGE blessing she was to you – and is through you!!!! Thanks for sharing her!!!
Thanks, Train! Your words means a lot, girl!
This is very special
Thank you, Sheryl!
I was one of the lucky ones…I DID know Nanny. She was there for me, too, and gave me one of my best friends. The road your whole family has taken in your Christian journey is remarkable and I thank God everyday for having known all of you. Love you all, Jane
Jane… you were a lucky one!
This is beautiful, Carey! You brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sorry for your loss but so thankful you had the wonderful legacy of your “nanny” in your life. (p.s…Jake calls my mom “nanny” too!) 🙂
MariLee… tell Jake he is a lucky boy!
Oh Carey! I feel like I did know her! I see so much of this beautiful, amazing woman in you. I would have loved her as I love you. Thank you so much for sharing nanny with all of us. She so rocks that blue cowboy hat! She would fit right in with your bandana wearing posse!
Kimmy… she would fit right in, wouldn’t she! Thanks for stopping by…