I know, I know. You are wondering, “Where is she going with this devotional title“… right? Let me get right to it, then.
Like every thing else on the planet, my two cats have needs… and they daily ask for them to be met. For example:
- When they need love and attention, they paw at my shirt regardless of how busy I am.
- When they want “good food” (aka wet food), they run into the kitchen meowing loudly.
- When they want to snuggle, they crawl on top of my computer (which is usually sitting on my lap) and curl up… purring.
They have absolutely no problem asking. It is just business as usual to them. No one has told them they can’t ask for their needs to be met, so they just unabashedly… ask. Even though my answer is “no” at times, I am thankful they feel loved enough that they can ask anyway.
God tells us we can do the same.
James 4:2 tells us that we do not have, because we do not ask God. That’s pretty straight-forward. Since we’ve been given the “green light” to ask for anything… and since we know we won’t have it unless we do… why don’t we? What keeps us from sharing our heart with God about things we need and desire?
- Do you feel that what you are wanting to ask for is silly?
- Do you believe that it is insignificant and you should save your “asks” for something bigger or more Godly?
- Or do you believe that God is not in the business of answering prayer?
- Maybe you think your life has already been predetermined so why mess with prayer.
- Or maybe you don’t ask because it’s not a part of your life you really share with God.
Whatever the reason. We choose to not always go to God and ask for… His help… His guidance… His wisdom… His purpose… His insight. Hey, I’m just as guilty as anyone. I know He loves me and wants what’s best for me, and at times I just rest on that. I know He works in me and through me, so I get lazy in “asking” for specific things.
I wonder, though, if one of the reasons He wants us to ask is that when He DOES meet our need or answer our request, we can more clearly see His work in our life. We’d be unable to chalk it up to circumstance, or medical intervention, or hard work, etc. Because we’ve been asking… and our need has been met… He is glorified.
I’m pretty sure my cats are “felines of faith” because they seem to get this concept. They ask me for something… and they watch me answer. They ask expectantly (we should do the same with God). You see, in their minds they have no one else to ask. Sure, they could go to Wayne or the kids… but they know how much their momma loves them. These wise cats know who is able and willing to give them what they want.
We should know the same thing. God is the only one able and willing to fully and lovingly provide for us.
He says, “Ask me! I long to give you the desires of your heart. Tell me your needs… ask ME for help, wisdom, and direction. Sweet child, you have not because you ask not.”
Learn from the example set by my Godly cats.
- Paw at His divine sleeve even when you think He’s too busy.
- Don’t be afraid to meow your needs to Him.
- When you need His comfort while waiting for His answer, climb into His lap.
Remember… You have not because you ask not.
“Paw at his divine sleeve”!!!! LOVE YOU!!!! That is great!! I’m going back to my prayer journal!!! I have a couple things to ask for!!
This is exactly what God needed me to hear today. Thank you, Carey! Off to pray- expecting big things!
Yay, Heatherly! Glad God spoke to you!!!
Never did I ever consider that your cats might be able to be used by God to teach me a lesson! HAAAA I was wrong!
I know, Conni! They are stinkin’ smart! 🙂
Reasurring, I’m always reluctant to keep asking bc I feel there are more needs out there. I’ll start pawing, probably not meowing a little more. Love your blog Carey, love you!