Life can be so awesome. Everyone seems in good moods. Work and school are manageable. Finances are strong. Health is good. Drama stays in Hollywood.
And then it changes.
On a dime.
Your happy little world crumbles, and you somehow missed the blinking red sign that warned… curve ahead!
What do you do when that happens?
~ Sometimes I respond in anger, because I just want life to be easy.
~ Sometimes my human condition takes over and I find myself overwhelmed and scared.
~ Sometimes I feel hopeless that this issue keeps coming up.
~ Sometimes I’m resentful that it’s messing up my plans and my agenda, taking time away from what I really want to be doing.
~ Sometimes I want other people to figure it out for me because it seems above my pay grade.
The reality is that we’ve come to expect an easy life. We hear the prosperity gospel that says life in Christ should be problem-free, and we buy into it … hook, line and sinker. We think that because we study His word and are His hands and feet to a broken world, we should be exempt from hard times. We may even feel betrayed and offended that God would allow that to happen to someone as holy and faithful as we think we are.
That reeks of entitlement and favoritism. Neither of which God subscribes to on any level.
But John pens the words of Jesus that tells us tough times are… inevitable.
They will happen.
We should expect them.
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]
(John 16:33 AMP) emphasis mine
So in these crunchy and messy times that we ALL will have, we’re to hold onto peace… be confident… and know for sure that Jesus has already carved a path for our feet to walk.
In other words… we need to put on our big girl panties and face it. Amen?
You know what?
~ I’m tired of the Enemy taking me out with one phone call.
~ I’m tired of feeling defeated.
~ I’m tired of letting a few bad weeks translate into a really bad life.
~ I’m tired of allowing my joy to be so easily ripped from me.
My hope is that you are, too.
Have you heard someone say, “God will never give you more than you can handle?” I respectfully think that’s a bunch of bunk.
Girls, God gives me more than I can handle all the time… which is why I need Jesus all the time.
And the unmatched, unrivaled power that He offers us is accessible 24/7/365. (psst – that means all the time!)
Are you tapping into it?
Listen to me, girls. THE BATTLE IS REAL.
The Enemy hates us. The world doesn’t understand us. Consequences for our bad choices and decisions can be stifling. And there is no doubt life is … and will be… HARD. Agreed?
But regardless of why there’s a battle… you have to know how to fight.
And it’s with Jesus.
With Him, you can do this. It doesn’t have to take you out this time. You can make it through because the Lord promises to protect you on every side.
Will the battle be quick and easy? Not necessarily.
Pray for perseverance.
Will the outcome always be what you wanted it to be? Not always.
Pray for the ability to trust His plan.
But you can find encouragement and strength knowing that Jesus has already overcome this sometimes dark… frustrating… painful… and relentless world.
And because He has overcome it… You have overcome it.
So when life gets big… stand up, put on those big girl panties, and face it.
©2013 Carey Scott
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Wow! Powerful! Passionate! Sweet Jesus- usher in your Peace!!!!
Yes, Lord… usher in Your peace. Standing in agreement with You, sweet Jesus!
Much needed. Thank you for this honest truth – life can and will be hard. I want my heart response to be empowered by the Lord who lives in me – rather than fear, complaining and an emotional pity.
Jeanelle… I want my heart response to be one of trust and strength, too! With Jesus, we can face everything that comes our way.
Looove the AMP version of that verse….[take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] Carey, thank you for being faithful in your message!!!! I am believing God!! ~ Trusting!! Love you!!!!
Laura… I am loving the AMP version these days. So spot on with the message I need to hear shared in a way I can hear them! Thanks for standing with me! Love you right back…
How do you always know? Just shared today with another about what a great day it had been as we were headed out the door. Yeah. I missed the detour sign. And I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until it all came out onto Little #5. =( Because I am tired of feeling defeated. I am tired of the enemy taking me out and using my Littles to do it. I’ve figured out not to expect easy street for me but I’m angry that I can’t make it easy street for her. That Little #5 who’s growing faster than I can keep up. And that battle I’m fighting right now. It’s to lead her straight to Him. Today, I am battle weary. Need to go find those undies…. Thanks, Carey {{hugs}}
Lorna… I am also battle weary. Life can be so overwhelming, can’t it. Blessings to you, sweet friend. Let’s resolve to stay standing no matter what.