What’s keeping you from saying “yes” to God?
What is God asking you to do that is causing paralysis? Is He calling you to something, but it seems too extreme or too scary? Too big to handle or too out of your comfort zone?
You’re not alone. The Israelites felt it, too, as they stood on the banks of the swollen Jordan River.
If you remember, they had been on their freedom march from slavery in Egypt and ended up in a 40 year time-out. Under Joshua’s leadership, the time had come to walk into their Promised Land.
But there was one catch – isn’t there always?
It was springtime… and the Jordan was at flood level. This swollen river was literally overflowing its banks.
Sure, it might be easy for a few to cross… but somehow Joshua had to bring 2 million people and their huge flocks of sheep, goats and cattle safely to the other side. I wonder if he doubted that God would make a way?
It’s not like he was new to this. Joshua had seen God provide a way to obey many times before.
- He’d seen God manifest as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to lead the Israelites through the wilderness.
- He’d witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and the annihilation of Pharaoh’s army.
- Joshua saw God provide manna for the Israelites to eat each morning.
Because of God’s faithfulness and provision in the past, he had every reason to trust God to make this happen. Joshua knew they needed to step out and obey God and cross this watery barrier, because crossing it was the next step towards their Promised Land.
This man of great faith said “yes” to God. And God made a way.
Joshua 3:13… “AND AS SOON AS the priests who carry the ark of the Lord – the Lord of all the earth – set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.”
Friends, sometimes we have to take that first step. Did you notice that as soon as they said “yes“… God provided a way? As soon as the priest’s feet touched the water’s edge, the waters parted and they crossed on dry ground.
Oh how I love this example because it shows us we must to be willing to participate!
When we take that step in faith, God sees we’re serious… that we have the right heart and are willing to put our toes in the water.
It shows God we trust Him!
Read this carefully. For someone, these are God’s words speaking directly to YOU!
- Say yes to that time away with God
- Sign up for the study so God can heal your heart
- Schedule that meeting and move forward with your plan
- Agree to teach that class or head up that committee
- Say yes to the invitation
- Step into your calling
- Give up control and watch God’s plan unfold
Maybe it’s time to stop finding excuses. The truth is that sometimes we need to move first. Why? Because it shows God that we are ready and committed to what He’s calling us to do. And God is always searching for that willing heart.
Are you wasting time? Well, quit it 🙂 … and just say yes.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Carey- Once again God is using you to speak directly to me! I am certain you are getting insider information! Thanks for that bull’s eye hitting devotional! Don’t you find it interesting when the same scripture or theme keeps coming in front of you? God must realize how dense we can be!
Merit… Love it! I appreciate you sharing that with me. It does my heart good to know what I say hits the mark. Thank you. AND for me… when I get consistent, persistent messages… I know God is trying to get my attention.
So now what? Will you listen? Will you walk away? 🙂