Thank the Lord for summer camps. They serve two critical purposes:
- it gives kids the chance to have fun, and
- it gives mom’s the chance to have down-time. A win-win any way you slice it!!
I took my kids to camp today and sat in the car while they waited in their respective lines until the doors opened so they could enter their classrooms. What I saw unfold, mortified me.
There was a girl in Sara’s group that was a little… off. You could tell she struggled with finding and keeping friends and was treated like an outcast. When she went towards the group of girls, they would move away from her. When she reached them a second time, they moved again. It kept happening over and over and over.
Well, smoke was coming out my ears in frustration as Sara – my baby girl who just earlier was as sweet as could be to her brother – was going with the group. At the same time my heart was breaking for that other little girl who was being rejected by everyone.
Needless to say, I got out of the car and called Sara over.
With tears in my eyes, I bent down and said, “Honey, what’s going on? Jesus loves that girl and died for her, too. How can you go along with group? Mark my words, you’ll be “that” girl who gets left out at some point in your life. This is your chance to make the right choice. Show her and others the love of Jesus.”
She looked at me wondering why I had tears streaming down my face. She hugged me… kissed me… and ran back to the group. As I watched, things were most definitely different this time.
Sara Lou stood up for what was right.
Why are we so mean to each other? Why do we reject those that are different from who we are? Why do we run from certain people and relationships when we know what they need is a little kindness?
Why do we think we are better?
The Golden Rule in Christianity is to treat others how you want to be treated. Jesus talks about it in Matthew 7:12, Matthew 22:39 and Luke 6:31. I’m sure as children we all learned about it in vacation Bible school. We probably even share it with our kids on a regular basis today.
It’s the well-known Ethic of Reciprocity. The key element being that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people, not just members of his or her circle, with consideration.
I think we all need a refresher course!
- When you have a cart full of groceries and someone with 3 items lines up behind you, why not let them go ahead of you?
- When your neighbor is sick or out-of-town, why not mow their lawn and water their garden?
- When someone is struggling with their marriage, maybe bring them a cup of coffee and let them talk.
- Send a thank you note to the dentist office when they go out-of-the-way to accommodate your needs.
- Compliment someone on the way they look that day or on something they’ve done that was pretty cool.
… Or include that girl who seems a little “off.
“I know we so often think about “doing unto others” but do we really actually do it? And don’t be proud about “some of the time“… be able to answer “all the time.”
Let’s be different. Let’s stand out. Let’s show others how it’s done and what it looks like to really care. Let’s be what we’re called to be according to Matthew 5:14… the Light of the World.
Hey, if a 7 year old can do it… so can you. 🙂
So well written again and so powerful. This brought back memories of my childhood. I was that girl who always went for the less fortunate because I may have felt a little different myself. The “high society” girls made me sick to my stomach with pathetic comments and giggles. I was always more comfortable with girls who were real and left the fake at home. Carey you are such a wonderful mom to your kids… I know why!
Love you!
So powerful.
Thank you.
Carey, this made me cry. I have a similar like story from when I was about 14 – 15 years old – seeing my friends treat others that had physical and mental problems badly and that’s when my heart became broken for them. That was a pivotal point in my life. Thank you for teaching your daugther how to treat others as you would like to be treated. If the whole world would do that, then we would have more peace and love than we would know what to do with! You started my day out perfectly.