As I was running out the door yesterday, I grabbed a Zone Bar.
It wasn’t that I was hungry. I just wasn’t sure how long I’d be gone and I wanted to have this snack “just in case” my tummy started to growl in hunger.
Just in case.
Sometimes I wonder if our faith is like that.
- Do we ask God for wisdom, but go ahead and move forward just in case the opportunity passes?
- Do we become a Christ-follower but dabble in other religions just in case we’ve got it wrong?
- Do we feel a firm leading from God, but take the other path just in case He changes His mind?
- Do we turn our problems over to Him, but still hang on a little… just in case it’s not being resolved as we desire?
- Do we keep a tight grip on certain areas of our lives rather than trust God with them just in case He let’s us down?
Do we have “just in case” faith because we doubt God’s faithfulness? Do we just not trust Him?
Maybe we need to rethink this.
“He is a rock. What he does is perfect. All his ways are fair. He is a faithful God, who does no wrong. He is honorable and reliable.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)
Let me unpack that for you. This passage tells us God is:
- a rock
- perfect
- fair
- faithful
- always right
- honorable
- reliable
Yowza, sisters. Not sure what else I’d add to that list. You?
Ya know what, I might add “world-class barista” who could make the perfect Venti, non-fat, full-flavored, non-hip-sticking, bottomless, free, extra whip, double decaf, extra yummy Carmel Frappe… to go.
I digress… sorry. Thirsty.
Anyhoo, here is our action step for today. I’m challenging you to retrain your brain. To rechart your heart. To derust your trust. (all that creativity with no frapp – wow)
Let’s turn our “just in case” faith into “He’s got my back” faith.
In other words, we don’t have to think another thing about it. We don’t have to see it to believe it. We just know it/trust it because of His track record in our lives and based on what the Bible says.
Look girls, God is reliable, honorable, always right, faithful, fair, perfect and our rock when life gets shaky.
Sisters… He’s got your back.
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Never thought of Him as a World Class Barista before! LOL I feel enlightened! And you made me smile AGAIN! Thanks Carey for your incredible insight you give daily! You b da bomb Sistah!
I love ya sister. We serve such a GOOD GOD!
Completely made my day. Thank you for posting your talent. I look forward to them everyday!
Have a super Carmel frappy day!
Robin… Thanks for continuing to read ’em! Love you girl!
Thank you for these words, he always provides what we need at the right time. btw, it’s not just the sista’s reading this….haha 🙂
Brother David!!! What a kick in the pants! Great to have you along for the ride, and please excuse all my sister references. Just insert “bro” when you see “sista.”. Keep chiming into the conversation when you feel prompted. Appreciate you reading my ramblings!
You made me hungry and thirsty!!!! Love the reminder to look at how I view God. We can become so mechanical in our views and thoughts. Thanks for the insight and fun! Poop and coffee all in one week!!! You’re the best.
Jeanelle! Great point as we can become so mechanical in our faith. That’s something we must guard against. And yes.. poop AND coffee in one week. I am so diverse! 😉