Guest Post by my good friend, Shannon Milholland…
Clara raced into my bedroom. “Mommy, Mommy, I weigh 400 pounds!”
Laughter threatened the edges of my face. With great restraint I offered, “I think it’s actually 40.0, Honey, but that’s so wonderful. You’re such a big kindergarten girl.”
Freedom called to my heart through innocent lips.
Do you ever like me get caught up in life by the numbers?
The number on the scale.
The value in your bank account.
The quantity of appreciation by your family members.
I’m somewhat of an expert in living life by the numbers and it’s not just because I was a math major (SCAR-Y admission I know). As a child I first delighted in the numbers.
High grades = high worth. As a teen I cemented my heart to the numbers. Low weight = popularity.
I’m all grown up now, and my heart longs to break free from numerical suffocation.
Is it possible?
Yes. I’ve experienced the delight of renumbering my life.
A Different Value
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
To renumber my life, I must first shift my value system.
Am I the only one who got really confused the first time the teacher introduced the metric system? It made no sense to me why we needed meters and feet or liters and quarts. It took a long time before my brain could understand the relationship of a centimeter to an inch or a kilometer to a mile.
I have to understand the relationship between discontentment and valuing my life based on earthly measures.
I have to shift from my current system of measurement to a new system based on how God sees me.
A Different Standard
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Matthew 10:30
God loves me equally at 120 and 200.
God values me identically with a fully funded retirement and a crimson bank account.
God treasures me without regard of other’s recognition.
Do I believe His truth? Can I learn to measure my life by a new standard?
Sister, we are precious to Him. He runs to us every morning to share His good news. His love is countless. His favor is immeasurable. His delight is limitless.
What number most plagues you?
How can you learn to renumber that area of your life today?
When not writing, you can find Shannon speaking to audiences with a message of hope and encouragement. Straight forward about her own struggles, Shannon is a compassionate advocate fighting for victory in the lives of her audience. Want to know more? Read her BLOG, Visit her Facebook page, Follow on Twitter
© 2012 Shannon Milholland, All Rights Reserved
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Oh the numbers! I was NOT a math major, but I love numbers. Some numbers… Like how God orchestrated our daughter’s file arriving by fed ex EXACTLY one year to the day from when we started her adoption proceedings. OR the fact that the agency raised its fee by $900 the Monday after we submitted our request to adopt on Saturday. The agency honored the date of our submission rather than using the date of receipt… saving us $900, exactly the cost of one round-trip ticket to China! I’m thankful that the God who knows me so well knows that those numerical affirmations touch my heart and reassure me when doubts creep in!
Karen… those ARE cool numbers, girl! Yay for you!
I get caught up in the numbers on the scale… the numbers in the bank account. Most of all, I just struggle with a constant need to measure up in every area. It’s only when I let God really have control, that those “measuring up” areas become less important. Great post, Shannon! And thanks for hosting, Carey! 🙂
Paula… “measuring up.” Girl, I get you. The truth is that we will NEVER make the cut in the world’s eyes. That’s why we must figure out how to make sure we find our value in Jesus. 🙂
I loved using metric over in Europe. I was at my heaviest, but suddenly I weighed less than half of what I did in America and I was WAY taller! Of course, I was much bigger around, but we won’t mention that….
Really enjoyed your post. I’m not much of one for math and I learned to speak German before I could remember my phone number, but I know that God likes numbers a lot. In fact, He likes math so much all the physical laws can be stated with (relatively) easy equations. Awesome.
I’m with you, creationscience4kids… math is not my – ehem – strongest skill. 🙂 But God does love numbers. Yes! He is the One!
I’m with you, creationscience4kids… math is not my – ehem – strongest skill. 🙂 But God does love numbers. Yes! He is the One!
This is such a great post, thank you Carey and Shannon. Numbers do seem to rule in so many ways and yet I fight against them. I fight against the tyrant of a clock, calendar and even head count for the cows. God has such infinite love and power and grace, there are no numbers for what He can do in us and for us.
@Karen I love those examples of God expressing His love to you through numbers!
@Paula, surrender is such a beautiful place to be. Feeling your peace, friend!
@creationscience4kids, I lived in Germany when I was little too! I went to an all-German speaking preschool so I was forced to learn the language. Sweet memories!
@shanyns, love this, “there are no numbers for what He can do in us and for us.” Beautiful!
LOVE this! Amen!!
Am enjoying your blogs very much. Thanks for your sharing faithful heart!
Janette… I’m so glad to have you aboard! Thanks, sweet friend!
@peacefulwife, thanks for stopping by for some refreshment!
@Janette, glad you’re here!
I’m working at not focusing on the number of emails in the inbox alerting me to blog comments or facebook connections. I long to commune with God and allow my words to flow from that place of sweet fellowship. Anyone benefiting from those words is an added blessing. Shannon thanks for your reminder that God doesn’t measure using a human standard of measurement.
Beck… been there, done that. So easy to define our worth by the number of others who respond. Thanks for your honesty. 🙂
Beck, I’m so with you, girl! It is so tempting as a writer to get caught up in numbers and miss the girl and miss the blessing of being filled with Him who does more with one than we could do with thousands.