We need to live high.
Maybe I should qualify that statement a bit. 🙂
What I’m trying to say is that we need to live higher than our circumstances. We should live above them rather than down in them.
What’s the difference?
- When we lose our job, we are faithfully expectant to see what God has in store rather than fall into the pit of despair.
- When our children make bad choices, we trust God with their journey rather than guilt them into repentance.
- When we find ourselves the victim of hurtful gossip, we chose to forgive and allow God to defend our reputation instead.
As Christ-followers, we just cannot live in the tumultuous ups and downs of life. We can’t keep our eyes on our circumstances. Our focus must not be on what the Enemy throws our direction.
Because when we become distracted with the chaos, we take our eyes off God. A textbook tactic of the Evil One. And when we find ourselves eye-to-eye with our worries:
- We become self-centered
- We become performance-based
- We become self-reliant
- We become annoying (let’s be honest here)
- We become disobedient
- We become victims
- We become ineffective
You know what? We were made for so much more than that.
In Matthew 5:14, we’re told that we are the light of the world. But when we’re too busy keeping our own candle’s flame sheltered from the hurricane-force winds, it’s impossible to focus on others.
Faithfully, God always provides a way.
Philippians 4:6-7 tells us “Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.” (GWT)
Do you see the Divine equation?
Not worrying + Asking God for help + Counting your blessings = Living High
By doing this, you will effectively reduce the importance of your circumstances. And when they are rightly deflated, you foil the Enemy’s plans to distract you… defeat you… and derail you.
- You ignore his unoriginal attempts to destroy you.
- He loses – again. (When will he learn?)
- You change your “victim” mentality to a “victory” mentality.
- A new tool is added to your toolbox.
- Others are encouraged by your steadfastness.
Sisters, let’s purpose to live higher than our circumstances. Let’s be more impressed with God’s presence in our situations than depressed with what the Enemy does.
See you in the clouds!
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Loved the sentence “Let us be more impressed with God’s presence then depressed with what satan does!” It really is our choice on which thoughts we are going to allow and what we are going to focus on. Thank you for reminder of how important our choice is!!!
Jeanelle… It IS all about choice! I’m realizing that more and more every day.
Thanks for writing this every week! Our circumstances do not dictate our response!!!!!
Gosh, Sherry… you’re right! They don’t! But… sometimes it’s so hard to rise above them, especially when you’re getting hit from every angle. Again, it’s all about choosing your response. Sister, you set such an amazing example of this!
Carey, this may be your best writing yet! I know it was for the “sisters”, but it reached me too! Loved the way you summed it up:
“You change your “victim” mentality to a “victory” mentality.”
Joe!!!! I love that you overlook my girlie references and let God minister to you!!! Thank you friend for even taking the time to let me know that… oh how that blesses me deeply!