My husband, Wayne, is a brilliant and talented writer. He’s tremendously gifted with words and has the ability to express himself like few I know. In light of his current situation, I asked him to share His thoughts on what God is doing. I know you’ll enjoy his perspective.
Please welcome my man…
Happy Monday!
Okay, I realize that some of you might not look at Mondays with the kind of unmitigated joy those two words are intended to convey. You might even find such a greeting forced, disingenuous, and highly annoying – especially if you’re reading this first thing in the morning and your wonderfully relaxing weekend is quickly fading in the rearview mirror.
Facing Monday is bad enough without some Pollyanna wishing you a happy one.
Unfortunately, many of us approach new seasons in our lives the way we approach Mondays.
Rather than embracing what may lie upon the road God has stretched out before us, we look back at what we’re leaving behind – even if where we’ve just come from wasn’t that great. Even if you had a lousy weekend, you’d trade for another just like it rather than have to face your Monday. Am I right?
I don’t believe that’s how God wants us to live our lives.
I’m not saying there is anything wrong with looking fondly at the past, but if we romanticize it, cling to it, and view the future with annoyance and trepidation we will fail to recognize the blessings God places before us.
Those of you who read this blog regularly are probably aware that I was laid off recently. Under the circumstances I could have:
- Gotten angry.
- Lamented my misfortune.
- Blamed the economy.
- Feared for my ability to provide for my family.
No one would have blamed me if I’d had any of those reactions. But that’s not how I’ve responded.
I’d like to take credit for the way I have approached my unemployment, but I can’t. Because if I was to lean on my own strength, those are exactly the reactions I would have had.
But (as my lovely wife often says here) God.
The week I found out I was losing my job, our pastor informed the congregation that instead of the message he had planned, he felt that God wanted us to use that Sunday to pour out an anointing for a new season in our lives.
If I focus on the fact that I lost my job, I will fail to recognize that losing it was part of God’s plan. He is moving me forward into a new season. So instead of dwelling on the loss of my job, I’m trying to approach my job search with enthusiasm, anticipation, and yes, even joy. If I was to look at the state of our economy and the tough job market, it would be easy to despair. I think that holds true whether we have a job or not, yes?
But we can take comfort in God’s word.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (NLT)
I know that it is a lot easier to quote God’s word than it is to take it to heart. I’d be lying if I said that looking for work is easy – the pace at which potential employers move to fill open positions often lacks the same sense of urgency as the guy without a paycheck, which can be maddening.
I remind myself that God’s timing is perfect, but that does nothing to change the fact that my lack of patience is all too human.
One thing that helps is knowing that as a husband and a father, part of my job is to set the tone for my wife and children. How I respond to the challenges before our family will directly impact them.
Will our kids learn to handle things in their own strength? Or will they learn to love God when times are good, and lean into Him even more in tough times? With that in mind:
- Instead of getting angry at losing my job, I took joy in the added time I had with my family at the end of the summer.
- Instead of lamenting my misfortune, I’m thankful God has something bigger planned for me.
- Instead of blaming the economy, I see it as a tool God used to push me towards a new season.
- Instead of being fearful about providing for my family, I know that God will give us all we need.
So, when God pulls you from the comfort of the familiar, when He sets before you a new road, changes your direction, leads you to a new season, don’t despair. Know that whatever challenges you find in your path – no matter how big or small – they are part of what God has in store for you.
They’re good.
They’re not for disaster.
Even Monday mornings.
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Wayne, thanks for sharing with us and thanks for sharing Carey with us. You both are a faithful couple that have allowed God to work miracles. You both are obviously walking in his steps and on top of that serving others during your trials. Bless you and I pray that something comes your way soon.
Happy Monday morning Wayne Scott!! Loved hearing from you today! Thank you for showing us what God is doing in you during this quick season. Thank you for showing us what it looks like to truly trust, rely, lean on God in the trials of life. Way to rise up! Look how you are showing your family, friends and co-workers that you walk the talk. I thank you Father God that you are aligning the perfect job for Wayne. I ask for a quick work, that the employer would move with urgency to bring Wayne aboard. That Wayne and Carey would feel peace when the right job offers itself. Fill their day, their home, their season with Your peace, your joy, your strength. Bless the Scott family abundantly!
Great word this morning Wayne, thank you for sharing your heart with us. It is indeed so much easier to quote scripture than to live in the truth of it. How I know that too well. Good stuff!
Wow! Two of them in one family. PTL!
We’ll done Wayne. So fun to hear from you this morning. Thank you for the reminder that it is a choice how we respond to life’s trials. What a glorious Monday!!!!
Thank you Wayne, I know you all will follow God’s lead! Hey, maybe it will lead your family to Portland, Oregon!!
Gulp! WOW! Impressed to the core!
Way to go Wayne!!! What a gifted family!!!!
Love that you chose a response not a reaction. God has great things in store for you and your family! He is moving your story forward…!!!