I saw her at the elementary school’s field day.
This was the mom of the boy who had bullied my son so relentlessly that we had to change schools mid-year. If you missed my post about it, click here.
Seeing her caught me off guard enough that my eyes filled with tears.
They weren’t tears of anger. I had already forgiven her, realizing she’s just a mom trying to do the best she can… just like me. The tears were not tears of regret as the change of schools has been life-giving for Sam and a better fit for him long-term.
Instead, they were momma-tears for my son and all he’d been through.
And then it happened.
I felt God prompting me to go talk to her. “No way, God,” I said under my breath. “Not a chance. What would I even say?” But that nagging feeling persisted and even more frustrating, the opportunity kept presenting itself.
How annoying! I just wanted to watch my 2nd grader win the sack race and balloon toss. But I’ve learned that when God moves, it’s best if I do, too.
In the midst of listing off a million reasons not to approach her, this scripture came to mind.
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” (Matthew 17:20)
With my mustard seed faith that God would give me the words, I walked up to this woman and introduced myself.
To my surprise and dismay, she had no idea what had transpired between our two boys. She didn’t know that Sam was no longer at that school. No one had filled her in on the words and actions her son had tormented my son with.
But God moved in that moment!
Miraculously, our hearts were tendered towards each others situation. God opened my eyes to the difficulties she faced with her son’s anger and his special need. And God allowed me to share the truth of what happened without her becoming defensive or angry.
God healed a little of my heart… and I bet He did the same for her.
Through our conversation, we discovered some inconsistencies from the school’s leadership. We realized that both of our boys were victims in their own ways. An unsettling case of dishonesty from the administration was uncovered.
And in that moment, we found ourselves on the same side of the fence.
You see, that mustard seed of faith was all I needed to make a mountain move.
Had I not trusted God and obeyed His gentle prodding to step out of my comfort zone and into His will…
- the deeper issues would have never been uncovered
- my wounded heart would have taken longer to heal
- the truth would have remained buried and hidden
- Sam’s voice wouldn’t have been heard so clearly
- justice wouldn’t have been served
Sisters, God is in the details… always. Even when we can’t see Him in it, we need to know that we know that we know that He is working all things for good on our behalf.
And when we chose to have that mustard seed sized faith, we get a front row seat to watch Him in action.
God moved a mountain for me.
And now I’m trusting Him to move one on behalf of my son.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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I love this story Carey! How beautiful it is when we step towards God and let it be about Him!! I am so glad for you for this bit of healing. A wounded Mother is a tough one 🙂
Thanks for your words, Cheryl! It’s so hard to take that step sometimes because we have to have blind faith. Why can’t we remember He is ALWAYS faithful!!
Wow! It is wonderful to watch God work! Thank goodness you listened to His nudging. My prayer is that this interaction will lead to some changes & healing for this Mom and her son. So thankful your son is beginning to heal!
Mary, what a faith-builder to see God in action! I agree with you completely! I’m praying for changes and healing, too. Thanks, friend!
Wow! I loved your willingness to follow God even into the uncomfortable and awkward. And to see what God can do through it is awesome. Thank you for sharing this victory with us!
Jeanelle, it IS a victory! Because to be honest, I don’t always follow His prompting. Sometimes it feels too uncomfortable or too awkward. I wish I could remember His faithfulness to give me what I need at the right time when I find myself questioning my willingness to follow His prompting.
You move me to tears!! You have an absolute gift with your words and more often than not I need to hear what you have to say. I don’t always comment on your posts, but I do read them daily and they give me such inspiration!! Thank you for always being so honest and sharing such wonderful things!!
Thank you!
God Bless
Sweet Lori! Thank you for your faithful reading of my chatter and for your encouraging words! It means so much to hear from you. Bless you!
Carey, I truely believe that acceidents don’t just happen and I am so proud of you for taking the steps that will make a long term effect on so many. As parents we many times sit back and think… “Does it matter?” “Will it make a difference?” I have planted a few seeds in my day that didn’t grow because it was my internal anger and not a call from God. Your timing was perfect and I will assure you that reaching out to her is something that seldom happens and you were brave to follow the LEADER. We all have holes to fill and I know in the quiet moments of life your words and prayers will make a difference for many. You are such an example for me and I feel so blessed to know you and your sweet family. There are so, so many steps that are not taken and little or no communication makes the situations harder. It seems so easy and yet my blood boils the hottest when things happen to the hearts of children. I have tried to continue to be active in the importance of that heart an soul connection to children but it is hard in such a test driven system. Love you, Janet
Janet… love your perspective and encouragement. I could use your guidance. Can we talk?
Carey I love the way you always say “yes” to what God is asking you to do. I love the way He placed you on that field with that mom and provided an opportunity for healing… because you listened to His voice and responded. He does move mountains… He does heal hearts. I am so thankful that He is in this with us and our kids. I couldn’t imagine parenting and navigating through the trenches without Him. Sam has a mother who prays for him, protects Him, and will not allow the enemy to have his way. Powerful. Critical for the call on his life.
Ginger… I am also so grateful that He is with us and our kids as we walk through life. I honestly do not know how I could do this without Him either. Thanks for your encouragement. Love you…