I spent a good chunk of my day “babysitting” my 90-year-old grandmother whose world has been turned upside down.
Actually, a lot of lives within our family have changed course because of an extremely maniacal and selfish act of one member. I can’t get into all the details, but this person has forever scared our family.
Yes… we will get through it. Some had less to lose than others. A few have carried the brunt of this betrayal. But everyone has felt it on some level.
It’s because of this “betrayal” I spent time helping my grandmother as her body is frail, her mind is forgetful and her eyesight is failing. It brings tears to my eyes even now. She had planned for a comfortable future… and that is now impossible.
Betrayal is huge. It’s hurtful. And it always comes with such a huge price tag.
How have you handled it in the past?
- Were you able to work it out… reconcile?
- Did you walk away from that person and end the relationship?
- Maybe you blamed God thinking He let you down and are now walking the path away from Him.
- Did you take matters into your own hands?
- Were you able to give it to God and forgive?
Yeah. There are lots of different ways we respond to that level of pain. It’s the kind of pain and hurt that just keeps on giving over and over again.
Eventually… we need to forgive. We all know that. Until we forgive the one who has hurt us, we’ll never be free from it. And the Bible gives us ample scripture telling us to do so.
Forgiveness, however, may not be immediate.
I’m not suggesting you sit in your pain, either. But I do think there are situations that require some time to fully wrap your brain around. So when Christians, with the best intentions, give you those annoying platitudes… you just wanna punch ’em. 🙂
Here is what I have to do… at first. For a while.
Just. Say. His. Name. There is power in His name, isn’t there? I wonder if you feel the same way…
So, here is homework for the long weekend. Below is a sampling of names for God (by no means exhaustive). Each one reveals His nature and character.
I want you to pick the top 3 that speak into your life and circumstances right now and journal about them.
Research them if you have to. Pray for clarity. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through this exercise. Did I miss one? Add it.
THEN… comment on THIS post about them. Share with others the power of God’s name in your life.
- The Righteous Judge (this is one of mine)
- The Door
- Abba Father
- Safe House
- Living Water
- Mountain Mover
- Sanctifier
- Deliverer
- Big Daddy
- Redeemer
- Counselor
- My Sword
- Provider
- Shelter
- Hope for Tomorrow
- The Way
- My Refugee
- Mediator
- Servant
- Advocate
- Messiah
- El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty)
- El Elyon (The Most High God)
- Adonai (Lord, Master)
- Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd)
- Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals)
- Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide)
- El Olam (The Everlasting God)
There is power in His name! I’m excited to hear from you… and Happy Labor Day weekend!
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Abba Father – Daddy is the way I like to think of this one. The way my girls (and somewhat my son) say “Daddy” to my husband – w/ that feeling of love and protection.
I think the most exciting/rewarding/ energizing/ thing I get from your daily missive is that it is relevant to our daily lives. I just happen to be praying for the betrayal you have mentioned and your dear grandmother. God bless you all.
I have been praying for your Mom and Dad and Mary and your entire family especially hard during the past few days. I love your blogs and especially this one. Keep up the good work. He is using you!