Do you ever get frustrated that you keep doing the same “sin” over and over again? Yeah, me too.
We know it’s wrong. We know it offends God (and possibly others). We know that because of Christ, we have the power to overcome it… but we don’t.
I wonder what that habitual sin is for you?
- Are you taking that drink that you’d sworn off?
- Have you been looking at those images again on the computer?
- Are you continuing to walk that road bringing you one step closer to infidelity?
- Do you still talk behind everyone’s back… sharing information that is not yours to share?
- Have you been sitting in the judgment seat again?
- Are your credit cards reaching the max limit without your spouse’s knowledge?
- Do you still tend to take comfort in food rather than God?
Why can’t we just be done with these specific sins that keep haunting us? Not that I am expecting to be perfect here on earth… but you’d think that we’d be able to break free from some of our sins. Well… maybe we can.
Consider these steps to break free from habitual sin:
1) We need to admit our ability to fix the issue is broken. When we admit to God that “we’ve got nothing” in us to end this habit, we are humbly surrendering to Him… the only One who can truly free us from bondage once and for all. At this point, we know we have nowhere left to go but to God.
2) We need to bring it into the light. We need to confess our sinfulness to God daily. By bringing our sins out of the darkness, we foil the plan of the Evil One to bring shame and guilt. We’re literally taking away its power.
3) We need to change our behavior. When we repent, we are doing just that. Confession and repentance go hand in hand. If we don’t repent… then we are all talk and no action. If your computer is tripping you up, have someone monitor it. Retail therapy a real issue? Give up your credit cards. That coworker relationship getting too close? Stop going to lunch alone together.
4) We need to breathe in God’s truth. Since we are ripping that sin out of our lives, a gaping hole will be left wide open. It’s so important that we fill it quickly with God’s life-giving truths. By soaking in His words through the Bible, sermons, praise music, Bible studies, etc., we are replacing those old negative messages and thought patterns with words of life. Because we can so easily minimize or reconcile the seriousness of a sin, we have to know what God has to say about it.
5) We need to create a support system. This may be the hardest step, because it makes us openly share very personal struggles with others. It requires that we set aside our pride and be raw and vulnerable. Why do it? Because sometimes what helps the very most is to have an accountability partner to help us shoulder the issue and keep us focused.
Beloved… God is the only hope we’ve got. Once we figure that out… once we accept that truth… then our ability to live an abundant life might be in reach.
Don’t allow anything to stand in the way of your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Don’t shy away in shame or guilt. He knows everything you do and think!
There is no limit to the times He will forgive and restore.
Go ahead… ask.
okkkkkkk, no chocolate!