School’s around the corner… I can feel it in the air! Wa-hoo! (Did I sound too excited?)
Before school starts, I like to go through my kid’s closets and clean out the “too small” or “not cool anymore” clothing… making room for the new and improved attire. It’s a long and grueling process, but one that feels so good on the other side.
What is it about cleaning out the old and bringing in the new that is so refreshing?
Did you realize that when we accept Christ, we experience the same type of overhaul? We literally give up the old “us” for the divine new “us.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
I am so thankful the old is gone… cuz it was nasty! Don’t laugh… yours was too. 🙂
We become brand new because the Holy Spirit has settle in us which changes everything: our affections, motives, thoughts, appetites, hopes… our whole life. And our old self with all its selfish, carnal views of ourselves, of others, and of Christ… dies.
Can I get an “AMEN” in the house?
When I think about what my life used to look like. When I remember the things that used to interest me. When I think back to how I used to talk, what used to entertain me, what I desperately desired… it makes me sick.
But God changed it all. He didn’t upgrade me. I haven’t been restructured or rehabilitate. He didn’t just reeducate me.
I was re-created.
We’re not turning over a new leaf, we are beginning a new life with a new Master.
AMEN, sister! Thank the Lord!