My husband is a brilliant writer. If you doubt the truth of that statement, just read the blog he wrote for me last Monday.
As a matter of fact, he’s really the writer in the family.
Now, I do thank God for how He’s gifted me with the ability to make sense with words, but in all honesty… Wayne’s writing leaves me in the dust.
Several years ago, he entered a national writing contest with a prologue and three chapters of a Christian fiction book he’d written… and placed third.
At a writer’s conference he attended a short while later, a few key agents and publishing houses told Wayne to let them know when his book was completed… because they wanted to read it.
He serves as a national judge in that same writing competition that awarded him third place. So each year, they send him entries in the fiction category to judge and score.
Yes… he is that good.
And until two nights ago, it had been six years since he’d written anything new in that book.
Six years.
If you’d asked him why the book had been collecting dust for so long, he’d tell you it was because of a demanding work schedule or a draining commute.
He’d say it was due to a strong sense of family, and he wanted to be a more devoted father and husband.
But if he were honest, he’d admit to being afraid of not being good enough.
He suffered from Perfection Paralysis.
Unless he could do it right the first time, he didn’t want to try it. The thought of failing or not doing it perfectly kept him from moving forward in his gifting.
I cannot tell you how hard it was to watch this happen… especially for someone who runs onto the battlefield waving a sword screaming, “Towanda!” when something needs to be slayed or conquered.
For years…
I’ve sat by and watched this fear keep him from sharing his gift with the world.
I’ve begged for God to knock him upside the head.
I’ve pleaded with Him to put a burning passion to write inside my husband.
I have attempted to guilt Wayne into opening that book document again.
I have tried every argument and angle to get him to step into his calling.
But nothing worked.
Until two nights ago.
Can you relate?
So often, we find ourselves trapped in the prison of perfectionism because we allow the fear of failure to paralyze us.
We become ineffective.
We lose confidence in our gifting… our abilities.
We forget that God isn’t expecting perfection.
He want us to be prayerful… pliable… and purposeful.
Matthew 5:48 in the Message says, “In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity.”
That’s a little in-your-face.
I like it.
Where do you need to grow up and be who God created you to be?
- Why haven’t you agreed to go where He’s called you yet?
- When will you share the message God has laid on your heart?
- How long will you ignore His calling for you to lead?
- What is keeping you from starting that project?
Sisters… where is the trust in your Heavenly Father?
Listen to me.
God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called.
Perfection paralysis is a nasty tactic of the Enemy.
His goal is to destroy you and the plans God has purposed for your life. And when you cower in fear of failure… the Enemy wins.
Whatever God is calling you to do, He will give you everything you need to do it.
Will the Enemy throw a wrench in your plans? Yes.
Will he do all he can to discourage you? Absolutely.
Will he try to distract or confuse you? Yep.
Will he attempt to knock your confidence level? More than likely.
Is it worth the risk?
Worth the struggle?
Worth the heat?
Every time.
If God calls you… He will give you the ability to walk your journey… no matter what.
“There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.” (Philippians 1:6 MSG)
My husband is writing again. He’s found his confidence, and every word he types encourages him to write the next.
It’s been a long journey to get here, but he is trusting that since God has called… He will equip.
You can trust in the same promise.
REALITY CHECK: What is God calling you to do that has you paralyzed with fear? What are you going to do about it?
© 2012
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You’ve found one of my “things”. I don’t want to try if I’m not assured of success. I’ve learned to step out in faith by shifting my focus from my ability to His. From my lack of worthiness to His ultimate worthiness.
Shannon… “shifting my focus from my ability to His.” Oh girl… that is so the key!
God does not called the equipped – He equips the called!! Profound statement!
Jeanelle… love you, girl!
Yup, and if my Master has asked me to do something and I won’t because it doesn’t meet MY standards, I’m in sin! Scary stuff.
I have a friend who took the same childrens writer’s course that I just finished up years ago, but she’s never done anything with her talent because she didn’t want to face rejection. Rejection is no fun, but it’s par for the course.
Plus, didn’t Jesus tell a story about hiding our talents?….
Jesus loves me no matter what, but when I obey Him, I feel His pleasure, no matter what the editors say!
(Isn’t hard seeing a bit of what God sees in others and having to wait for their free will to cooperate?!)
Carey – this spoke to me so deeply today. Sincerely and truly straight to the heart. The heart of loving a gifted man who is shy about using his gifts. The heart of a Mama (me) dodging away from the things God calls her to because of what PEOPLE say. Trying, trying, trying and having God say, “no” and “not there” and “come here” when I know where my heart and soul want to go – why not my mind? I want to do more than walk on the water in faith, I want to dance on the wave tops. I want to leap and land and twirl. And still I say on the shore. (I might use that for a poem starter, what do you think?)
Shanyn… excellent poem starter! And I’m so glad it spoke to you, sister. Step out and trust He will make a way!