I’ve heard it said that we should learn to rise above our problems and concerns and hurts so that they don’t bog us down.
Can someone tell me how to do that?
Seriously. I am a Christ-follower and I love God and desire to serve Him on a grand scale. I pray. I read my Bible. I study it. I have my Christ-following peeps who talk to me and point me up. So… why is it so hard to rise above it?
Can we… as humans… ever really get there?
I mean, I can “rise above it” for a good 24 or 48 hours. Maybe even extend it some if I really try, but eventually I find my self living “in” it or “below” it.
So what’s the answer? How can we experience all things human and not let it weigh us down?
Maybe… just maybe… if we daily/hourly submit our will to Him and ask for a more “eternal” perspective on a particular situation… have spiritual eyes and ears to see the situation for what it is (or for what it isn’t) it will make it easier to rise above it.
I guess it’s worth a try. I mean, it has worked before. I just wish it would stick.
But then… why would we need God?
On “Rise Above It”: My favorite old hymn is “I Need Thee Every Hour” ; that is my life-motto! It’s an oldie….look up the lyrics!
One of my favorite old hymns is, “I Need Thee Every Hour” – i’ts my life-motto! Look up the lyrics!