According to 1 Peter 5:8, we have an enemy who roams the earth looking for people to devour and destroy. Do you realize this verse isn’t written in past tense? It’s written in the present tense. The here and now.
He is actively looking to jack with someone every minute of every day. Nice.
And since you are breathing air, you’re a target. He wants to cause great angst, suffering and pain in your life. He hates you and the horse you rode in on.
So when his plans succeed and you are hit by his flaming arrows, how do you respond?
- Do you cower because you know how difficult and painful the battle can be?
- Do you stop doing your Kingdom work hoping to get off his radar screen?
- Do you become paralyzed with fear and freeze up?
- Or do you not even realize your struggles may be demonic in nature?
To be honest, I’ve reacted every one of these ways in the past. But I am tired of it, so I want to suggest a different approach.
Why not run into it?
I know, I know… that sounds insane, scary, and maybe a little stupid. But sisters, because of the blood of Jesus we’re assured victory in battle. We can run into battle boldly – wearing the full armor of God – knowing that after we fight the good fight, we will be left standing.
Love. That.
Let me back that up with scripture. “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” (1 John 5:4)
Translation: We win.
You know what? It’s not even a fair fight. But – we have to fight. We have to take an active role in the battle.
- When the Enemy wants us to retreat, cower, freeze up or hide from our calling… we stand firm in our faith and move forward.
- When he wants us to think that things are too big or the cost is too high… we see that lie for what it is and do it anyway.
- When the Enemy wants us to stop talking to God out of frustration… we pray all the more and get others to pray, too.
Sisters when struggles in your life threaten to shut you down, don’t give up.
Gear up. Pray up. And run into battle.
See you there.
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Carey, LOVE this! It reminds me of “Grace Disguised” by Jerry Sittser, who says when we’re in the dark and we need the sun, we can’t run after it. We will only get farther and father behind. The quickest way back into the light is to run into the darkness! Just like what you’re saying — it’s so counter-intuitive, but we are empowered. We win! Your timing is often so perfect for me and what I’m dealing with — big lies this week trying to keep me in place instead of stepping out in faith. Prayer and Godly counsel sent those lies skittering back into the pit they crawled out of, and now I’m resting in His grace, waiting to see what’s next.
You keep speaking the truth, Carey! You’re so on fire for the Lord, those flaming arrows will snuff right out. 🙂