Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)
Sometimes I get confused.
With so many voices circling around me, giving me advice to do this and that… I can find myself at a crossroads with what to do next.
You, too?
From the day we were born, a battle has raged for our hearts and minds. As Christ-followers, we need Divine discernment to know which voice to follow. We need to learn to tell them apart.
But that’s not always easy.
There are times the voices sound the same. They offer similar suggestions. They seem harmless and the advice, conceivable.
We need to know the difference.
There’s the world’s voice…
It says that we need to watch out for “us” and that we should make decisions based on that mind-set of self-protection. When we do step out of that way of thinking to help others, it shouldn’t take too much of us, our resources or our time.
This voice assures us that we need to be working harder to be better. It tells us we’ll be loved when we get measurable results. The problem being that once those results are reached, the bar is raised again.
What we hear is that we’ll never be good enough, smart enough, produce enough, or have enough.
It is not the voice we should be listening to.
Then there’s the voice of other Christians…
Usually with the motive to be helpful or encouraging, this voice tells us how we should be praying. It tells us how we need to connect with God in a certain way.
This voice can sound accusatory by letting us know we’re worshiping at the wrong church or under an inferior denomination.
It tells us we’re so close to “getting it”… but it’s just out of reach.
Hear my heart on this one. We were built for community, so Godly friends and mentors coming along side us is God-ordained. They can be helpful in directing us on the right path. They can speak out of experience, improving our understanding of a situation we’re walking through.
Even with the best intentions, however, this voice can tells us it’s more about works… than faith.
Respectfully ignore that suggestion.
But there’s also God’s voice…
He tells us that we are enough. His still small voice reminds us that we are significant, accepted and valuable.
God’s instructions aren’t hard to understand. They don’t complicate the situation by telling us we are loved more or less based on our performance.
He doesn’t tell us we’re good enough if… when… or, but. God tells us we are good enough… perfect in His eyes, actually… because of Jesus.
His voice may come through a verse, a sermon, a song, a sunset, an ah-ha moment, a gut feeling. It will stand out or make you take notice.
Our job is to listen for our shepherd’s voice and follow it.
His voice breathes life into our thirsty spirits.
Friends, pay attention to God’s voice… because He is speaking to you all the time. Your life will make more sense when you train your ear to differentiate between the voices of the world, the voices of other Christians and the voice of your Heavenly Father.
“This is the way; walk in it.”
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Thank you for this great look into our minds (or ears) today. When we listen to all 3 it’s actually can make you feel crazy, double-minded, or confused. Love the call to seek God for His Voice and not just allow the world or others (well meaning or not) to spoon food us.
Jeanelle, that’s a great point! We are being spoon fed when we just blindly listen to the world rather than seek God’s voice. Wonderful point, girl!
I love your post! Thank you! I am always surprised how many times, from beginning to end, the words listen and hear are used in the Bible. Lord, give us discernment to recognize Your voice, to truly listen and to follow.
Amen, Cathy! Listening is quite an art, isn’t it. We have to be intentional to hear and discerning to know whose voice it is. Thanks for stopping by today! Be blessed!
here we go again! Your posts brought me back to that time of my life when God changed my whole life with this passage from Isaiah..Oh how I needed to hear this this period. Thank you Carey, please keep sharing treasures like this,I am so blessed to read your posts.
Aida… how encouraging you are to me. I’m so grateful that God is speaking to you through my words. Thank you for sharing that with me… and be blessed, sister!
Thank you for your post Carey. It was so encouraging to me. I am having a morning where I feel like I am failing in several areas of my life and to park my thoughts on the truth that God finds me valuable and precious right in this moment, failures and all, was SO refreshing and encouraging and empowering to me.
Liz… don’t you love how God speaks to us exactly when we need a fresh word from Him? I’m so thankful that He met you through my words today. Be blessed, girl, and be refreshed in His presence!