This past weekend, Wayne and I celebrated 11 years of marriage.
What a day! He spent it fishing (and I was ok with it!) and I spent it treating a child for lice. It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but it didn’t dull the fact that I am so thankful for my husband… and for what God did to salvage a DEAD marriage.
Believe me… I’m not using the word DEAD for effect. It’s just the honest truth. Wayne and I were so far in the pit that the only chance we had to survive as a couple was for God to step in.
And intervene… He did.
The problem was that we rushed to the altar. And because we moved into matrimony so quickly, we were completely unaware of the amount of baggage the other was bringing with them. While mine was some cute designer brand and Wayne’s something like Samsonite… it was baggage all the same.
In our utter brokenness, we brought in:
- addictions
- self-esteem issues
- trust issues
- anger
- resentment
- stubbornness
- and abuses of every kind.
While counseling didn’t really help us… we tried. Although friends supported us… we wore them out. You see, neither of us were walking especially close to God then… but that didn’t matter.
God intervened.
I’ll never forget the moment in October of 2005 when God stepped into our messy situation and completely changed it with a word from our son (almost 3 at the time). The full story of our restoration shows the awesome power, complete sovereignty and unending compassion of God. It’s just too long to detail in this post.
There are times Wayne and I talk about how we were one step away from being on a very different path. We’re both so thankful for God’s invention.
While we don’t have a perfect marriage… we’re solid.
He can still drive me to levels of insanity I never knew existed, but I love that man with all I have. And I’m guessing I may still… from time to time… get on his nerves a smidge. 😉
Is your marriage in shambles today? Are you wondering how it can possibly be revived?
Listen to me! God is in the business of restoration!!! Have deep hope and big faith and ask Him for a miracle.
If God is able to salvage what little bit of a marriage we had left (and I mean that literally)… nothing is too big for Him.
Oh friends… God loves to restore what has been devoured in our lives. That’s His specialty. Gather your prayer warriors and lift your marriage up to the One who can divinely intervene… and restore.
And remember that because of Jesus… there’s always hope.
Were you on my couch last evening? My 21 year old son and I were discussing marriage and he shared with me how he knows that if God wouldn’t have showed up, his dad and I wouldn’t have just celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary.
Thank you for your post, your sharing and your authenticity! What a hope and encouragement you offer others!
Blessings on your marriage!
Kim… thanks for sharing! A blessing on your marriage, too! God is so faithful… even when we aren’t!
What a magnificent message. Working with people in Divorce Recovery, I can certainly use your text to help them. I only wish I had seen this 16 years ago in my marriage.