I yelled at my son yesterday morning before school.
Now, I am not talking about a slight raise in volume. I didn’t just use my serious mommy-voice. No, I yelled at the top of my lungs at him. As a matter of fact, my throat was sore for several hours after I dropped the kids at school. It was that kind of yelling.
This was out of character for me. You see, I am not typically a yeller but this tirade was warranted.
Sometimes my son is so hard to love.
I’m not going to go into great detail, because I want to respect him… and honestly, he is a really great kid. Good grades. Stinkin’ smart. Heart of gold. Loving. Helpful. Compassionate. Creative. Hilarious. Jesus freak.
But sometimes he is hard to love.
I know you can relate. As you’re reading this post, someone has already come to mind that challenges you and tests you from time to time. That one person that has the uncanny ability to push every button you have. Maybe it’s:
- Your husband or wife
- One of your kids
- A parent
- Your boss or coworker
- A friend
- Someone who thinks you are friends
- A person you volunteer or serve with
We all have that one person who – from time to time – sends us to levels of insanity we never really believed existed. And for many of us, that person will be in our lives forever.
I think God does it on purpose. Here’s why…
If it wasn’t for Sam, I’d never learn to be creative in dealing with people. He teaches me how necessary it is to love others as unconditionally as I can love as an imperfect, conditional human. Sam challenges me to love harder and forgive faster. I’m learning the importance of never giving up.
Sam makes me a better person. And I know God did that deliberately, because to be candid… I need a lot of help.
Here is what I want you to chew on:
- Maybe that difficult person in your life is… necessary.
- Maybe it is the only way you will work at becoming… better.
- Maybe they are the best tool to help you… learn.
Before you dismiss, berate or walk away from these divine tools, why not ask God to reveal their purpose in your life. Ask Him what they are developing or changing in your life. Interesting concept, eh?
At times, I still dislike having to deal with difficult people. You know what helps? I say this out loud to myself, “Lord, help me remember that you died for them, too.”
You know what else helps? To understand that I am THAT person to someone else. 🙂
Friends… love as good as you can. Learn as much as you can. Forgive as often as you can.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
You must have a mouse in my house. I have someone living in my house that is a real thorn. I thought she was here in order for me to teach her, never thought about it as I was the one who needed to learn….
I know, Nikki! But I glad He does and we do!
This is exactly what I needed to read today! It is always uncomfortable when two people don’t see eye to eye, and in turn a relationship is strained, or broken. God is really teaching me in the areas of friendship, and when friendships don’t turn out the way I thought they would…to be okay with that. Very difficult for me.
Oh, Carey, you hit me right where it hurts these days. Over the years I have been on the verge of just calling it quits on my sister and the one-way street that is our relationship. Things will go along fine for while and then… another stab to the heart with her thoughtlessness. But I can never quite bring myself to walk away because… she is my sister. So tonight I’m going to sit down and have that talk with God and ask Him to show me what I’m supposed to learn here. Patience and forgiveness, to be sure, but something even deeper, I think. Thanks for this post today!