My cats love the sun.
They start their day on the east side of the house where the morning sun comes shining through the windows. Little by little they make their way the length of our home until they end up asleep on couches that allow them to bask in the hot western afternoon sun.
After a quick snack or potty break, they always go back to where the sun is shining the strongest and they rest in it.
They love it! Once these felines got a taste of the sun, they were completely sold. There was no turning back.
Their entire day’s goal is to rest in the warming rays of the Colorado sunshine. For Meg and Meesha, it’s all about the sun… and all they want is to stay in it. Not a bad plan, eh?
Maybe without knowing it, these wise cats are on to something. My girls give us a spot-on example of how our days should look, too.
- What if we decided to stay in the SON every day?
- What if we chose to follow Him from the east to the west?
- What if we vowed to move when He moves and stay when He stays?
Then we’d be following what Paul told the church at Colosse in Colossians 2:6. “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.” (emphasis mine)
That’s good and all, but sometimes… life happens.
1) For many of us, we accepted the offer of salvation with passion and excitement. We were hungry to learn all we could about the “Christian” life but then the desire began to fizzle out. When that happened, we went back to our old lives reassuring ourselves that at least we had “fire” insurance.
2) For others, we remember how that passion for Him felt and we so desperately want to experience it again but our days are cloudy and we can’t seem to find the Son. We’re at the wrong window at the wrong time and we feel out of sync.
3) For some, we’re like my cats who move from window to window just to stay in the Son. It requires trust and flexibility, but we’ve tasted the warming rays and we can’t get enough. We have resolved to follow Him until we see Him face to face.
Which of these three best describes your faith right now?
- Are you bored with your faith or find it too hard to stick with?
- Do you want a relationship but lack the motivation or understanding to know what to do next?
- Or are you doing all you can to follow His leading?
Friends, don’t buy the lie that the world’s ways are easier and more fulfilling. Don’t allow yourself to fall into a life of complacency when it comes to your faith. If you’re stuck, ask for help. Keep looking for Him even when it seems He can’t be found.
Like my cats, do whatever it takes to stay in the Son.
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Where I am at in my faith walk is… 2) I remember how my passion for Him felt and I so desperately want to experience it again but I feel out of sync… I know that God is here and in control; that He is taking care of me but I just can’t seem to have feeling behind the knowledge.
Nikki… I’m somewhere between 2 and 3. I have to be soooo intentional about my relationship with God and I find that if not… it becomes all about the “doing things” and not “seeking Him”. Good to hear from you again!
Loved this SUN analogy. I was really blessed by what you said, been journaling about similar issues. Enjoyed your POV. Blessings to you!