When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. (Matthew 1:24)
I’ve always admired Joseph for the step of faith that he took following his visit from the angel in his dream.
Matthew chapter one, beginning at verse 18, gives us a glimpse at how Joseph was struggling with how to handle his engagement to Mary, who had recently revealed that she was pregnant.
However, before Joseph can take action to break things off with Mary… he receives a visit from an angel in the form of a dream. Know what’s cool? Joseph doesn’t hesitate to obey.
Verse 24 says simply, “When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him…”
He didn’t sit around and question what he’d been told. He didn’t second-guess whether or not he was worthy of the task or fall back on the excuse of “it was just a dream.”
No, Joseph woke up and did what God told him to do. I love that.
Now, you may not receive visits from angels, but when you do feel God calling you to do something… how do you respond? Do you get up and go? Or do you:
- wait for further clarification
- second-guess the encounter
- try to avoid the task
There is, of course, a time and place for waiting on the Lord. But, there is also a time for action – when we must step out in faith, like Joseph, to do what God has asked us to do.
What steps do you need to take this week to fulfill God’s calling in your life? Seek Him, asking for His guidance and direction.
Lord, please forgive me for the times that I’ve second-guessed your calling. Please give me the faith and confidence in You that will help me take the steps of faith you ask me to.
©2010 Jill Hart, CWAHM (Christian Work at Home Moms)
Great post! I love what you said about Joseph didn’t question his worthiness to do something, or obey, he just did. So many people in the bible just did what God told them to do. I make it hard. If I want what he wants, what’s stopping me?
Great thoughts!