What is God asking you to do that is causing paralysis? Is He calling you to something, but it seems too extreme? Too big… too out of your comfort zone?
You’re not alone.
The Israelites felt it, too. If you remember, they had been on their freedom march from slavery in Egypt and had been camping on the banks of the Jordan River. Crossing it was the next step in getting them closer to their Promised Land. But there was one catch – isn’t there always?
It was springtime… and the Jordan was at flood level. The river was literally overflowing its banks.
Divine timing or bad planning? Duh. God used this exact time and place to once again demonstrate His power to His beloved children.
Joshua 3:13… “AND AS SOON AS the priests who carry the ark of the Lord – the Lord of all the earth – set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.”
Do you see the order of events? “As soon as” they obeyed… God provided a way. As soon as the priest’s feet touched the water’s edge, the waters parted and they crossed on dry ground.
Oh! I love this!
This scripture is demonstrating that sometimes WE need to make the first move. WE are supposed to take that first step of faith first before God will clear the path for us.
Listen closely here. I’m speaking directly to YOU!
- Sign up for the class so you can be trained in that area
- Schedule that meeting and move forward with your plan
- Call the ministry leader and agree to teach that class or head up that committee
- Say “yes” to the invitation
Look. Sometimes we need to move first. Why? Because it shows God that we are ready and committed to what He’s calling us to do. And God is always searching for that willing heart.
Come on… Stick your toe in the water.
I’ve seen evidence of this very concept in my life this past year! Great devo!