We hosted a sleepover this weekend.
Not just any sleepover, but we opened our doors to Sara’s entire gymnastics team. Thirteen girls, ages 7-10, shared a 12 hour time slot at our house. They were amazing.
These girls spend close to 13 hours a week working out as a team. One would think they would be ready to get away from each other, but that’s not the case. As a matter of fact, by the time they were picked up the next morning they had spent 17 hours together… straight.
I enjoyed getting a peek into who they were as individuals. I’m usually just in the stands rooting them on as they compete, so this was a rare treat. And I discovered such diversity within this tight-knit team.
- Some wanted to sit and play board games.
- Others were busy learning the steps in Dance Revolution on the Wii.
- Some wanted to put on make-up and paint nails.
- Others wanted to come up with a funny skit to perform.
- A few wanted to sit and talk with us where it was a bit… quieter.
What’s cool is that as different and diverse as these girls are, when it’s time to compete against other gyms… they move as one. And while each girl is judged individually on her strengths and challenges as an athlete, their scores are combined for a team total.
Each brings something different that has the ability to either help or hurt the team overall. Luckily, they are a true team.
- I never hear Sara (or any other girl for that matter) say they wish they were as good as _____.
- I never hear anyone speak a desire to see another fail so they can score higher.
- I’ve never seen the girls do anything but support each other, doing whatever they can to make one another stronger.
What an example of how the Body of Christ should function.
Sisters, it would do us good to follow the blueprint of this team of young girls. While we each bring our own gifting as well as our own challenges, it’s for His glory, and He can use it all.
We work best… together. No one is better than the other. Romans 2:11 says “God does not play favorites.“
He does not like me better than He likes you. I hold no bigger or more affectionate place in God’s heart. My giftings are no better than yours. Your area of gifting is no better than mine.
We are each just a different piece of the puzzle. And when we all fit together as He designed… we are a force to be reckoned with.
There is strength in numbers.
How do we do that? How do we learn to appreciate one another and recognize each other as a valued teammate rather than an opponent? How can we function individually as well as a team?
- Stop hoping for others to fail because they are more talented in a specific area.
- When a sister is down, encourage her!
- Quit negatively judging the actions of those around you.
- Think the best of each other.
- Stop gossiping as it has no redeeming value.
- Faithfully pray for each other.
- Forgive quickly.
We’re all in this together. We’re all on planet earth in part to save souls by being a light to this dark world. So, when we allow the Enemy or our own sinful nature to divide us, we are all weakened.
But the stronger the teammates, the stronger the team. And the bigger the team, the more damage we can do to the evil plans of the fallen angel, Lucifer, and his minions.
Maybe you are someone who is on the team, but not yet in the game. If that’s you… get off your backside! You have God-given gifts and talents for a time such as this. No more excuses. We need you!
Come on sisters! Let’s do – together – what we were put here to do.
Oh yes, there is strength in numbers.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
Glad I am on your team!!!