I got on a roll today and started cleaning my kitchen counters.
Some of you may be concerned… thinking this isn’t something I do every day. It’s not. I’ve mentioned before that I am a bit of an under-par domestic goddess. It’s true, and I am trying to be better. Ask my husband if my efforts are panning out. 🙂
As I was wiping off my black stove-top, I was grossed out at how much dust had collected on it. Now I will take some responsibility, but to be fair… our house backs up to nature and the doors and windows are open quite a bit. So, we have more dust than the average joe.
At least that’s how I make myself feel better.
I sprayed the Formula 409 cleaner and then began to wipe it clean. Ahhh… I love the way it looks. Just as I finished the second side of the stove, I glanced to the section I had cleaned first and realized it was already gathering dust speckles on it. Dagnabit!
But you know what… we’re like that, too.
We confess our sins and are washed clean… and then before we realize it, the sin “dust” begins to settle on us again. Maybe it’s:
- an innocent judgment
- a careless word
- a lustful glance
- a bad habit
- a thoughtless action
Before we know it, we are once again covered in sin… head to toe. Dirty. In need of the Divine Formula 409.
Let’s face it, we sin every day in one form or another… we’re just sinful by nature. This week, let’s fight the build up of “dust” on us.
When we confess and ask, we are wiped down and cleaned up. The “dust” is gone. Removed. We’re spotless. Allow the Divine Formula 409 to make you clean… again.
Thank heavens His mercy is new every morning!!
Love the Grace of God. He loves me inspite of who I am!