As Jesus was walking with Jairus to his house to heal this man’s dying daughter… the crowds were pressing in. For this father, the walk was frustratingly slow because of the amount of people in the streets waiting to see Jesus.
The people were excited and expectant for His arrival… and all were eager to see Him in person.
The crowd was so thick. They were loud. Everyone was reaching out, just trying to touch this man they knew performed miracles.
An anxious Jairus was walking at Jesus’ side and was ever-mindful that his daughter’s life was slipping away every moment that was wasted. He just wanted to get Jesus through this crowd and to his daughter’s bedside.
But there was someone more desperate in the crowd that day.
Among the pushing and shoving crowd was a pale and weak women. For 12 years, she had dealt with uterine bleeding and was desperate for an immediate healing. She’d tried everything, but nothing had helped… and her ailment was only getting worse.
She was determined to see Jesus and ask for a miracle… and that day, she had a “don’t-take-no-for-an-answer” kind of faith.
Nothing was going to stop her from receiving a miracle. She was risking it all because she knew Jesus was her only hope. Hearing about the miracles Jesus had performed, she was determined to be healed.
“She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped” (Luke 8:44).
Her determination and faith in Jesus healed her. Smart woman.
She knew He was her only hope for healing. And she knew she needed only to reach out to Him for it. And dang it… crowd or not…. nothing was going to stop her that day. She’d had enough.
She had the “don’t-take-no-for-an-answer” kind of faith. In the past…
- Doctors had said “no” to hope for treatment and healing
- Jewish law had said “no” to her being in society because a bleeding woman was seen as unclean and had to be kept separate
- Crowds that day had said “no” to her having face time with Jesus
But she pushed through the thick crowd and touched His garment. Her determination paid off. Jesus said “yes” to her… “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)
Friends… it’s time to stand up with that “don’t-take-no-for-an-answer” kind of faith.
Carey, thank you so much for including the scripture addresses. Sometimes, it is what I need to get myself started in bible reading for the day. I also like the way you bring them to light for application in today’s world.