My 9-year-old son, Sam, just got a retainer.
I always wanted one of those cool things, but my dentist didn’t think I needed it. So as a kid, I used to unfold a paperclip and make it fit around my front teeth and act like I had one.
Don’t laugh. You did the same thing.
Earlier this week, Sam got his retainer tightened. So much so, it made his teeth ache and it proved difficult to get in and out of his mouth.
The idea behind tightening it so much is to create noticeable movement in his teeth.
For the dentist to get Sam’s teeth to be in their right spaces and places, he needs to make them move. Unfortunately, they won’t move on their own.
- Asking them to move won’t make it happen.
- Suggesting they move won’t work.
- Thinking about moving them won’t make them budge.
It takes this active retainer with its springs and wires to bring his teeth to the place they need to be. To the place they were designed to be. To the place where they are the most effective.
Painful? Yes.
Costly? Absolutely.
Necessary? Without a doubt.
Sisters, like that retainer is working to shift my son’s teeth… God uses situations and circumstances in our lives to move us and change us and make us more like Him.
- He used a broken marriage to teach me that I needed to give up control. (Gulp)
- He used a cancer diagnosis to teach me radical trust.
- He used hurtful judgements to teach me not to compromise who He’s called me to be.
- He used painful friendships to teach me to let Him defend my name.
- He is using our current financial storm to teach me to allow my husband to lead.
Sisters, we can wallow in self-pity when we find ourselves surrounded by chaos… or we can ask God to show us what He needs us to see.
In other words, we can choose to be part of the process or part of the problem.
I’ve been both. And trust me, I really like being a part of the process much better. But it costs me something: my willingness and effort.
If Sam doesn’t wear his retainer, it can’t do it’s job. If he decides it hurts too much to put in his mouth, his teeth won’t align.
Regardless of the pain it causes, Sam knows it’s a process that needs to happen. And he knows that once the retainer has done it’s work, things will be as they should.
What a great lesson.
When life comes at you full speed and circumstances seem too much to handle, you have a decision to make. Will you be a part of the process or part of the problem?
The choice, my friend, is yours.
Father, thank You for loving me enough to not leave me where I am. Thank You for caring for me enough to want me to be better. Thank You for helping me live free from my own bondage. Lord, I am ready to be a part of the process and I ask You to give me the spiritual eyes to see what You are doing in my life. Without any doubt, I trust You with my life and my circumstances. Help me navigate through with steadfast faith. Amen.
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Well said.
liven4apurpose… thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend, sister!
Love your comment about “do you want to be part of the process or part of the problem?” Makes you think about when you ask your kids to do something and they scream and whine – oh how often we do that to God when He is working to “move” strongholds, barriers, and sin in our life. Yet this is what we want!!! Thank you for the much needed reminder that our attitude can make the whole process a season of praising or a season of grumbling and complaining.
Jeanelle, gosh we do scream and whine don’t we!? And while we do want God to make us more like Him, it can be a painful process. I think it’s all about submission, something that doesn’t necessarily come easily to me. Love you, sister.
You, my dear, are annointed of God!!!!
Sherry, I love you. Thanks for always encouraging me. You’re one in a million.
Ah yes, and there is always pain or at least discomfort in process… living through one right now… and I’m moving along, even when it hurts! Great piece!!! Can’t wait to meet you next week!
Tara, thanks for stopping by and being honest in your struggle. I’m in one, too. Actually it seems like I’ve been in one for a while. It’s certainly changed me, my marriage, my family and my ministry… all for the better. I just wish I’d remember this on the front end. Let’s make sure to connect next week! Writers or Speakers track? I’m writers this year.
SO good for me to hear. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was that kid, only with my black rubber bracelets for a retainer. Then one day I began the 15 yr journey of wearing a retainer with 2 teeth on them. Wow, that’s hot! All that time, pain, endurance & money….and i still don’t like to floss.
I think I just inspired a whole notha blog. 🙂 EEEEOUCH!!! It just plain hurts sometimes!
Jess, so great to hear from you!!! Would love to see a pic of those black rubber bracelets on your teeth. Great giggle that gave me! And for the record, I’m not a good flosser either. 🙂
This was good Carey. Thank you. I feel like I am actually putting on braces right now… the retainer just isn’t gonna do the job. Dangit. Darnit. Shoot. Trusting God with the process… no pain no gain sista’.
Ginger… words to live by – “No pain, no gain.” Glad we’re in this together. 🙂
This is great! I have been hearing God speaking to me about this exact same thing. And through this He is teaching me to be more open and honest with not only others, but myself. And to stand up for how I am, and who I am, in Him. 😉
Oh Paula… what a great thing God is teaching you! I remember when the concept of being “real” hit me and it meant vulnerability and honesty… two things that caused me to break down some protective walls. It was a scary place to be but God honored my obedience and now I feel such freedom to be… me… stumbles, fumbles and all. Bless you, sister, and keep watching for God’s confirmation through those consistent, persistent messages!