I drive to Denver for work.
It’s only one day a week, but still a haul. I usually enjoy this Frappy hour as it’s “my” time where I can pray, listen to CD’s, chat on the phone with friends, text (kidding!), or just have down time.
You know what bothers me though? Coming to a dead stop in a traffic jam. Suddenly all the fun “me” time comes to a grinding halt and I get annoyed and frustrated. Why? It keeps me from doing what I need to be doing.
My time is being wasted and I’m unable to do my work.
I’d like to suggest that our lives can become like that, too. We can create traffic jams of our own when we make our lives too busy to do the work that God has set before us to do. It also keeps us from nurturing the relationships closest to us.
How do you know if you’re in a traffic jam?
- You reach the end of your day and haven’t gotten to your Bible study.
- You try to find time for a coffee date and have to schedule 3 weeks out.
- Your kids introduce themselves to you because you just don’t look that familiar.
- “No” isn’t a word you are able to utter when others need help.
- Your “to-do” list is on poster board.
- You go days and realized you’ve not spoken with your Creator.
I bet you all could add some really good ones to this list. 🙂 The bottom line is that we tend to over-scheduled and it is affecting our families and the work God has called us to do.
When James Dobson was asked what he felt like was the biggest obstacle in our homes, he said this.
“It is over-commitment; time pressure. There is nothing that will destroy family life more insidiously than hectic schedules and busy lives, where spouses are too exhausted to communicate, too worn out to have sex, too fatigued to talk to the kids. That frantic lifestyle is just as destructive as one involving unbroken sin. If Satan can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy, and that’s just about the same thing.”
Insightful… and true. Yes?
While our families can get the short end of the stick, God also gets pushed down to the bottom of the barrel. We find we’re too tired to open our Bibles to study or open our mouths to pray.
He has something to say about it.
“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” Psalm 46:10 (MSG)
He is calling us out of our hectic schedules. That means shifting our gears from DRIVE to PARK more often. What will happen when do this?
- Your family will benefit from you being “present.“
- You will benefit from spending time with God because He’ll bless your obedience!
- You’ll be able to complete your “to-do” list (or at least make a big dent in it) because it will be a more manageable length.
- You will feel more rested and rejuvenated… peaceful.
- Your home will be more of a haven than a pit stop.
Friends, step out of the traffic jams you create. Life doesn’t have to be so packed! Ask God to show you where/how you “jam” yourself most often and allow Him to help you step out.
Look, your two priorities are the Heavenly Mechanic (God) and your earthly pit-crew (family). Make sure you get to see them through your front windshield… not your rear-view mirror.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Right on sister! He really is calling us to slow down and prioritize also where we serve!
Love it, Carey. So true. Slow down while God is still whispering “you need to slow down.” He has ways of making us slow down — like chronic illness — if we ignore Him long enough! There are many days I count the illness as a blessing, because I am forced to take life at a slower pace — and spend more time with Him. 🙂
OMGosh! Sooo true! Cannot seem to get into “park”! Thanks for good wisdom! Please pray 4 us.