You have the opportunity to be a life-changer. This is your official invitation to join in the uncommon movement. The world needs women like you – women willing to stand up for what is good and true and right – to model what a remarkable life in Christ looks like. Not because you are perfect, but because you are purposeful to live rare. Share what you are doing to be an uncommon woman!
It’s easy to have faith when everything is going as planned. But in an instant, everything can change. When the hard times hit, what kind of faith will you have? What kind of faith did you have?
You are being called out of ordinary, watered-down faith and into the kind of faith that takes you into the deep waters with God. He is faithful. He is trustworthy. And He wants you to anchor your faith to that truth so you can be… uncommon. Share how God is calling you and what it means to you to be uncommon.
We don’t have to know all the whys and hows, some things we won’t know this side of Heaven. We just have to settle this truth in our hearts and minds: God is good all the time. If we believe this, it will allow us to have uncommon forgiveness towards Him. Share a time when this was true for you, and how you settled truth in your heart and mind despite the circumstances.
While society may tell us we are inferior… while we may struggle with our own insecurities… God sees uncommon leadership qualities within us. And if we say yes, He is faithful to bring them out. Share a time when God clearly equipped and empowered you to recognize your leadership qualities and use them well.
If we want to live differently than the world so others see Him, then being willing to do what God asks of us is vital. It’s common to obey in the easy. But it’s uncommon to obey in the hard. And the good news is that God will bless both. Share a time when you obeyed the hard and how God blessed that obedience.
“As an uncommon woman, you will find yourself:
- relying on God above all else
- full of hope in the hard places
- standing up for what’s right
- holding on to joy no matter what
- able to step out of your comfort zone
- willing to risk your reputation
- resolved to not give up or give in
- untangled from your past failures, fears and insecurities
- capable of looking past your circumstances
- understanding there is a calling on your life
- trusting the plan and ways of God.”
Carey Scott #beUncommon
“No matter the mistakes you’ve made, the bridges you’ve burned, the moral failures you’ve committed, the painful words you’ve spewed, the hurtful things you have done… no matter your fears and insecurities, no matter your long list of excuses… with Jesus, you have all you need to be uncommon.”
Carey Scott #beUncommon
“We don’t have to know all the whys and hows; some things we won’t know this side of heaven. We just have to settle this truth in our hearts and minds: God is good all the time.”
Carey Scott #beUncommon
“More than status; more than money; more than a reputation; more than justice; more than a husband; more than children; more than that job; more than food; more than the advice of others. We must want God even more.”
Carey Scott #beUncommon
“Let’s remember that God will either give us the uncommon perseverance we need to walk through trying situations, or He will point us in another direction. Prayer and time in His Word will help us know which one it is. We were not created to be quitters.”
Carey Scott #beUncommon