I think we are heading in a dangerous direction.
It’s becoming easy for us as followers of Christ to just say “okay” to the world. We find ourselves compromising in places we never thought possible and heading down paths once forbidden. Does anyone agree? We say “okay” to:
- the music our kids are listening to.
- changing “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays.”
- who our kids hang out with.
- the movies and TV shows we watch.
- the conversations we participate in.
- the clothes we wear.
- putting Hollywood on a pedestal and following them closer than we follow God.
- watered down Christianity
I wonder what you would add to that list?
When we allow the world and the one who runs it (that would be Satan) to convince us to compromise our values and beliefs, we are taking a step away from God’s will for our lives.
Simply put… every time we say yes to what our flesh desires, we say no to God.
That’s not what God wants. How do we know? Because He tells us exactly what He does want.
“So love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30 (emphasis mine)
Friends, God wants it all.
- ALL our heart
- ALL our soul
- ALL our mind
- ALL our strength
He wants us to focus it ALL on Him.
Ok now, let’s be honest. You know and I know, that will never happen this side of Heaven. And I don’t say that as a way out. It’s not permission to stop trying. You see, it is something to earnestly strive for every day.
But the reality is that we are sinners living in a fallen world with a lot of others sinners. Perfection is not earthly.
However… if we focus on loving Him the way Mark teaches us to, then we may find we compromise and say “okay” to what the world wants a lot less. And as an added bonus, when we try to love Him like that, our capacity to love others increases ten-fold.
At least that’s my experience. Is it yours, too? Friends…
- if we don’t stand up for someone who’s the target of gossip, who will?
- if we don’t turn off the television set or refuse to pay money to see that movie, who will?
- if we don’t teach our kids discernment in choosing friends because we all become like who we hang out with, who will?
- if we don’t model what it looks like to help the hurting, who will?
- if we don’t lead others towards God, who will?
Friends, we are the church. Let’s act like it.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
All I can say is “AMEN”
Saying OKAY is so GRAY! Gray is for people who fear change, or failure, or triumph in my book. I hate okay, and fine, and maybe, too! I’d much rather be told TRUTH and I can respond to that. Even when the truth is defined differently from how I see truth!! I welcome it. Bring it on! Thanks Carey!